FYP 2009-2010
Proposed by Dr. C.L. Wang
Last Update: June 08, 2009
(FYP 2008-2009 CS,
FYP 2008-2009 CE)
Project 1:
Ad hoc Location Tracking with Mobile Landmarks
Supervisor: Dr. C.L. Wang
Number of students: 2-3
Location information is essential to enable location-based services (LBS) in
a metropolitan environment (e.g. Hong Kong). Innovative LBS can makes
people’s life more easier and enjoyable. A typical service is Location-based
advertising, which include:
(1) find nearby point of interest (POI) (e.g., restaurant, supermarket,
clinic, shopping mall, cinema, hotel)
(2) sort advertisement's relevancy according to different factors (user
preference, pricing, etc)
(3) then suggesting the shortest path to destination.
To localize a mobile device's location (especially in a city-like scale),
common existing approaches are Wi-Fi localization (Skyhook), GPS, provider's
localization (GSM tower ID). However, to provide a compressive yet useful
localization solution, which is of reasonable accuracy (from 20 to 100
meters) at most of the time during a user's daily activity span, it
Smoothing switching between different available localization
modalities: e.g. switching from out door GPS to indoor Wi-Fi approach or
switching from coarse-grained GSM tower/Wi-Fi information to
fine-grained GPS location information
Opportunistic collaboration between mobile users that share partial
location information, e.g. a non-GPS mobile phone can determine its
location if it has at least 3 nearby GPS-enabled phones, whose GPS data
are exchanged using bluetooth. (See the following figure)

Moreover if people can help each other calculate their own location with
less support of third party providers (GSM tower localization), it will be a
privacy plus that encourage people to adopt ad hoc localization in urban
environments. This FYP project explores the feasibility of GPS-calibrated ad
hoc localization in urban environment, which a small percentage of
GPS-enabled mobile phones can help calibrate both the trajectory estimation
and real-time localization of other mobile phones, by urban pedestrians in a
metropolitan environment.
Implementation details:
(1) devise and implement a GPS information sharing/calculation algorithm in
C++/C on the emulator
(2) put it in a mobile scenario simulation tool to record localization
accuracy for certain durations
(3) give possible analysis of your method that explains localization
(4) port your algorithm as an application on Google's Android phone
emulator/phone in Java
Project 2:
BetterLife 2.0: Personalized
Recommendation Service
on Cloud
Supervisor: Dr. C.L. Wang
Number of students: 3-4
KONG Kwai Yee Ruby <kong.ruby@gmail.com>,
LO Fung Alvin <honye.lo@gmail.com>
WONG Kwok Kit Henry <henry1987@gmail.com>
With the popularity of social network websites that deal with certain type
of user interest (e.g. music, friends, food, video, picture), much user
generated data has been stored in these web 2.0 websites.
One the other hand, more and more Internet connected mobile phones also
generate data during their interactions with the Internet. For example, a
customer can comment on a restaurant's meals using his mobile phone, which
could also be uploaded to the web, and potentially used by other users.
This FYP project targets to
make use of social networks to produce personalized public services
(e.g. hotel, bus schedule, traffic, shop mall, restaurants) to mobile users,
with real or synthetic environment data of Hong Kong. It treats data at the
unit of user, which covers all aspects of his interests. This is in contrast
with many social network sites that fractioned user data to its own interest
(i.e. the book recommendation website only records a user's reading
history). Since we treat all aspects of user data together, also potentially
scale to many entities (e.g. 7 million people + 1 million public
organizations), we need to explore
reasoning mechanisms upon large-scale data using the powerful Cloud
Design & Implementation details:
Replace a web 2.0 website's database with the Cloud storage system,
which has a large data size.
- Apply reasoning techniques per user (e.g. pair-wise user data
similarity comparison) to suggest certain aspects of interests
popular music, nearby good dining spot, etc.)
- Adopt its computation logic to Google's MapReduce paradigm. This
requires design and analysis of computation breakdown, data partition/
(1) Case-based reasoning framework: jCollibri, may need to port its
similarity matching algorithm
into parallelism and use the MapReduce computing mechanism the cloud
computing infrastructure
(2) Cloud computing platforms:
(a) data storage: this can use subscribed Amazon's EC2/Sun
Grid Engine or use
Eucalyptus to set up your own cloud infrastructure.
(b) MapReduce programming: using Yahoo's Hadoop & HDFS
(3) Front-end user interface:
- Web interface: use a social network website template (e.g. Elgg) for
web front-end that allows user to login, upload cases, edit user data
that will be stored into per user cloud storage (hadoop HDFS file
- Mobile device interface: develop client application of Google
Android Phone to upload/modify user data, and receive server side
We will give tutorial on social network setup, Yahoo's Hadoop/MapReduce
programming, cloud storage setup, jCollibri, and provide source code of
similar Android client applications.
Project 4 (CE):
Green Data Center
Supervisor: Dr. C.L. Wang
Number of students: 2
Data centers consume enormous energy nowadays (3M US Dollars in 2006 for Oak
Ridge National Lab). Studies show that only less than 50% of the power is
used for computation. However, cooling system accounts for another one-third
of the overall power consumption. Therefore it's of vital importance to
reduce the power consumption in modern data centers, both for the sake of
cost reduction and environmental protection. Task migration is believed to
be an effective way of redistributing tasks on overheated computers such
that the heat-imbalance in the data center can be smoothed, which will
result in substantial reduction of energy consumption on the cooling system.
Students who take this project will need to:
- Study how to monitor the heat distribution in a data center
- Make use of Live Virtual Machine Migration technique to relocate
running tasks from
overheated computers
- Analyze the effect/result of heat-redistribution and/or power
reduction after adopting the implemented solution.
Benefits from this project: (1) knowledge and experience of large data
center administration. (2) modern knowledge of task re-distribution
technologies (e.g., Xen, VMware, VirtualBox). (3) learn Linux system/OS
related skills
Cullen Bash and George Forman, "Cool Job
Allocation: Measuring the Power Savings of Placing Jobs at
Cooling-Efficient Locations in the Data Center", Proceedings of
the 2007 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, pp. 363–368.
Xen: http://xen.org/
Live Migration of Virtual Machines (pdf)