Travel Buddy!

Your All-in-one trip planner


Trip Planning made simple

A simple way of allowing the user to manage places to visit and also suggesting attractions and points of interest, based on reviews, to the user.

Shortest Path between Points of Interest

Select one or multiple destinations/attractions and find the shortest and most efficient route to visit all these destinations.

Keep track of your friends

Using a combination of Bluetooth and GPS we allow you to keep track of your friends location and warn you if they are moving away from you.

Auto-manage destination list

Keeps track of all the places you have visited and automatically removes them from your To-Visit list!

Useful global information

Current apps/websites provide info such as temperature and weather but some critical information like languages spoken, currency, conversion rates, electrical socket type and voltage information are not provided. The app would provide these details to the user when he/she is planning the trip

Improved User Experience

Simplified user interface with only essential information displayed. No ads, no paragraph of text! We keep it simple and clean for you.


The Team

Koushal Sadaful

Anisha Garg

Anirudh Gupta

Dr. T.W. Chim