Updates for the Financial Data Forecaster

Check out all the updates in this page. Any new progress in the project will be reported here!

What's New


Detailed project plan was released

The detailed project plan was released on 4th October




Detailed project plan was released

The detailed project plan was released on 4th October



Date Stages Details
August - September Review of materials Materials related to data-mining methods, financial modeling and stock market analysis will be studied
4th October Phase 1 (Inception) Detailed project plan and project web page should be finished
October – January Development of algorithm (1st) First draft of algorithm will be created with least information to be input to ensure the algorithm works
11-15th January First presentation Able to present the first draft of the algorithm and give a whole picture on the method used
January Organization of data Data will be organized in the best way for inputting into database
24th January Phase 2 (Elaboration) A rough implementation of first draft of algorithm should be runnable to test and detailed interim report should be done
January - February Development of algorithm (2nd) Second draft of algorithm will be created with more type of information to be input so that a more complex algorithm can be formed
February Implementation of program Program will be created according to the second draft of algorithm
March Experiment on program Real data will be input into the program and tested for accuracy
March - April Amendment on algorithm and program According to the experimental result, amendment will be made on both algorithm and program
17th April Phase 3 (Construction) Final implementation of the program should be done with a well tested result also final report should be done