Intelligence Led Penetration Test

  • info

    Project Information

    • contacts Supervisor
      Dr. K. P. Chow
    • directions_run Student
      Wong Chun Ho
    • whatshotProject Introduction
      Hong Kong Financial Institutions that form part of the financial infrastructure must remain resilient to cyber attack. To help these institutions achieve this goal, the HKMA has launched the Cyber Security Resiliency Framework (CRF). CRF promotes an intelligence-led penetration testing approach that mimics the actions of cyber attackers intent on compromising an organisation’s Critical Functions and the technology assets and people supporting those functions. In this project, students are required understand and define what should be include in an Intelligence Led Penetration Test, and recommend tools to be used.

  • schedule

    Project Progress

    Phase Task State
    Phase 1 Detailed project plan and Project web page Finished
    Phase 2 Preliminary implementation and Detailed interim report Finished
    Phase 3 Finalized tested implementation and Final report Finished

  • today

    Project Plan and Methodologies

  • work

    Project Result