
In this progress, we have used three items served as input and output of the system


PHQ - 9

PHQ-9 is a self-administered version of PRIME-MD diagnostic instrument for common mental disorders.


Big Five Personality Traits

The big five personality theory is suggested by Lewis Goldberg describing personality in five primary factors:(i) Openness to experience, (ii) Conscientiousness, (iii) Extroversion, (iv) Agreeableness, and (v) Neuroticism, or OCEAN in short.


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Therapies

Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy is moderately effective for improving depression and mood symptoms, and it’s an effective self-help treatment for depression.


This project is contributing to the online therapy in the way to improve the prevalence and accuracy of online mental health diagnosis with the best therapy suggestion.


A Final Year student studying Computer Science in the University of Hong Kong.

- Lau Kam Wah Anson Student, HKU

Supervisor of the Final Year Project. Experienced Professor of Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong.

- Dr. T.W. Chim Instructor - HKU