
Play the right note at the right time. With our state-of-the-art dynamic programming algorithm to do beat tracking, tempo misalignment is highlighted for your daily practice.


You will know every missed/wrong note or chord so that you will not keep practising the wrong thing.

Special Technique

Besides rhythm and melody, our app is even smart enough to judge whether you have used the technique right to produce the desired sound effect.

We customise music learning and let you learn at your own pace with our smart tutor

For beginners, learning a musical instrument is to follow their teachers' way of playing. A musical instrument tutor often plays the role of assessing student's performance accurately on aspects such as rhythm, pitch, techniques or even the "feel”. However, due to the limited face-to-face time a student can have with a music tutor no matter online or offline. With the advancement of machine learning and audio signal processing (ASP), it becomes possible to use modern approaches in Music Information Retrieval (MIR) to extract data on the quantifiable aspects of playing (e.g volume, tempo, timbre) and compare more accurately the “standard rendition” of a musical piece to a student’s playing and use interactive way to highlight the differences so that practicing music is much easier.

see details

Dr. C.L. Yip


Shaun Zhong

BEng(CS) final year student

Jacky Mo

BEng(CS) final year student