// Register all the neccessary session variables in this index page
include '../configuration/session_variables.php';
// Include the configuration variables
include '../configuration/config.php';
// Create a database connection to kit database
include '../configuration/connect_db.php';
// Include the tracking
if ($page=="")
$track_page_name='DIARY - Snorkeling - Page '.$page;
include '../tracking/';
//if ($_SESSION["user"]["user_id"]!="1" && $_SESSION["user"]["user_id"]!="2")
//header ("location:fishing_db.php");
// Inlclude the neccessary modules
$_PAGE['title'] = 'Fishing & Scuba Diving Diary 傑仔的浮潛活動介紹網 ';
= '釣魚 船釣 艇釣 釣點 沉船位 青班 石班 西貢 艇家 魚餌 魚獲圖片 釣魚短片 釣魚電影 魚絲 魚鉤 呔魚 排口 大蝦 八爪 三們仔 塔門';
This page is written in Chinese language. Fishing, Diving, lots of fun ! 放生BB魚,保護大自然,大家齊響應!
Protect the natural environment.';
include '../modules/';
//helper ("Fishing, Diving, lots of fun !
//helper ("Hello! 各位好
echo "
echo "";
echo "";
// Include the page banner
include '../modules/';
echo "\n";
echo " 您好! 歡迎各位參觀傑仔的浮潛活動介紹網 , 因為有好多釣友聯絡傑仔希望知道更多有關浮潛的知識, 所以傑仔便把自己浮潛所知所用的都為大家介紹介紹, 希望對浮潛有興趣的朋友可一 嘗浮潛的樂趣 . | ";
echo " \n";
echo "\n";
// Content
if ($page==1){
echo "\n";
echo " ";
echo " 浮潛 (Snorkeling)是有益身心的活動 。 在網上隨意搜尋一下浮潛活動的起源 , 發現原來浮潛的起源可以追溯至遠古時代人類在潮間帶覓食求獵謀生的行為呢 ! 浮潛可以說是人類接觸海洋的第一種活動。潛水教練 郭道仁";
echo " | ";
echo " \n";
echo "\n";
echo "Under Constructions...";
echo " | ";
echo " \n";
echo " | ";
// Include right panel for the fishing site
include '../modules/';
echo "";
echo "
echo "
// Inlclude the neccessary close module
include '../modules/';