Award Presentation Ceremony

最近更新於 Last update: 2013-05-25[Sat] 10:45

日期及時間: 二零一三年 五月二十五日(星期六)下午四時四十五分至六時四十五分
Date: 2013-05-25[Sat] 16:45-18:45
地點: 香港大學 黃麗松講堂 校園指南
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, The University of Hong Kong Campus navigator

程序表 Rundown
16:30 登記
16:45 頒獎典禮開始
Opening Introduction
16:50 頒發證書儀式
Presentation of Participation Certificates

初級組 Junior (頒獎嘉賓: 社區天氣資訊網絡 譚廣雄先生 Presenter: Mr. K. H. Tam, Community Weather Information Network)
  天主教佑華小學 Our Lady of China Catholic Primary School (佑華2.0)
  油麻地天主教小學 Yaumati Catholic Primary School (YCPS)
  聖公會天水圍靈愛小學 SKH Tin Shui Wai Ling Oi Primary School (天靈一隊)
  聖公會天水圍靈愛小學 SKH Tin Shui Wai Ling Oi Primary School (天靈二隊)
  港大同學會小學 HKUGA Primary School (港小天文組)
  保良局胡忠中學 Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College (胡忠閃電隊)
  宣道會鄭榮之中學 Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College (Team 2)
  粉嶺禮賢會中學 Fanling Rhenish Church Secondary School (FRCSS 2A Team 1)
  粉嶺禮賢會中學 Fanling Rhenish Church Secondary School (FRCSS 2A Team 2)
  香島中學 正校 Heung To Middle School (閃雷不及)
  香島中學 正校 Heung To Middle School (HTMS)
  香島中學 正校 Heung To Middle School (Rd(Reversal destiny))
  寶血會上智英文書院 Holy Trinity College (Alpha)
  寶血會上智英文書院 Holy Trinity College (Realistic Dreamers)
  嶺南衡怡紀念中學 Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial Secondary (衡怡勁閃隊)
  嗇色園主辦可信學校 Ho Shun Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) (可信一)
  嗇色園主辦可信學校 Ho Shun Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) (可信二)
  嗇色園主辦可信學校 Ho Shun Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) (可信三)

高級組 Senior (頒獎嘉賓: 香港氣象學會 李炳華博士 Presenter: Dr. P. W. Li, Hong Kong Meteorological Society)
  福建中學(小西灣)Fukien Secondary School (Siu Sai Wan) (Team 1)
  福建中學(小西灣)Fukien Secondary School (Siu Sai Wan) (Team 2)
  嶺南衡怡紀念中學 Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial Secondary (衡怡第一隊)
  宣道會鄭榮之中學 Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College (CWGC Team 3)
  宣道會鄭榮之中學 Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College (Team 1)
  寶安商會王少清中學 POCA Wong Siu Ching Secondary School (電母)
  英皇書院 King's College (TLC Team)
  香港神託會培基書院 Stewards Pooi Kei College (S.C.L.E.D.)
  香港神託會培基書院 Stewards Pooi Kei College (E.M.F.)
  沙田官立中學 Sha Tin Government Secondary School (沙官閃電六個人)
  迦密主恩中學 Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School (尋電)
  保良局胡忠中學 Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College (胡忠IVG)
  迦密中學 Carmel Secondary School (迦密一號)
  粉嶺禮賢會中學 Fanling Rhenish Church Secondary School (Dream Science Team)
  天水圍香島中學 Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai) (Lightning Crafters)
  香港道教聯合會鄧顯紀念中學 HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School (Team B)
  香港道教聯合會鄧顯紀念中學 HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School (Team A)
  香港鄧鏡波書院 Hong Kong Tang King Po College (McQueen)
  東涌天主教學校 Tung Chung Catholic School (Rakdos)
  神召會康樂中學 Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School (測電能手)
17:30 嘉賓致辭:香港大學工程學院助理院⻑ 霍偉棟博士
Speech by guest of honour:
  Dr. W.W.T. Fok, Assistant Dean, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
17:35 嘉賓致辭:香港天文台助理台長 黎守德先生
Speech by guest of honour:
  Mr. Edwin S.T. Lai, Assistant Director, Hong Kong Observatory
17:40 嘉賓致辭及評判意見簡報:香港氣象學會代表及評判代表 林學賢博士
Speech and comments from judges by guest of honour:
  Dr. H.Y. Lam, Hong Kong Meteorological Society
17:45 頒發奬項
Presentation of awards

初級組 Junior (頒獎嘉賓:香港大學工程學院副院長 麥啟寧教授 Presenter: Prof. K.L. Mak, Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong)
  優異獎 Merit
  最佳創意獎 The Most Creative Lightning Detector Award
  最優外觀獎 The Most Attractive Lightning Detector Award
  最佳演繹獎 The Best Presentation Award
  季軍 Second Runner-Up
  亞軍 First Runner-Up
  冠軍 Champion

高級組 Senior (頒獎嘉賓:香港天文台助理台長 黎守德先生 Presenter: Mr. Edwin S.T. Lai, Assistant Director, Hong Kong Observatory)
  優異獎 Merit
  最佳創意獎 The Most Creative Lightning Detector Award
  最優外觀獎 The Most Attractive Lightning Detector Award
  最佳演繹獎 The Best Presentation Award
  季軍 Second Runner-Up
  亞軍 First Runner-Up
  冠軍 Champion
18:05 冠軍隊伍簡報
Champion team presentations
  初級組 Junior
  高級組 Senior
18:30 閉幕致辭: 香港大學 計算機科學系 劉智滿教授
Closing Speech by Project Co-ordinator:
  Prof. Francis C. M. Lau, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

致送紀念品 Souvenirs Presentation
   香港天文台 Hong Kong Observatory
   香港氣象學會 Hong Kong Meteorological Society
   社區天氣資訊網絡 Community Weather Information Network
18:35 頒獎典禮結束 End of Ceremony

拍照留念 Group Photo session
  主辦單位 Organizers
  初級組得獎者及主辦單位 Junior Winners and Organizers
  高級組得獎者及主辦單位 Senior Winners and Organizers
  自由拍照 Free Shots

注意事項 Points to note:
* 同學們需穿著整齊校服出席。
Students should wear school uniforms to attend the Prize Presentation Ceremony.
* 登記於下午四時三十分開始。請隊伍於典禮前最少十五分鐘到達講堂。
Registration will be started at 16:30. Teams are suggested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the ceremony.
* 坐位將根據較早前提交的出席者名單編配。各隊伍於登記時將得悉被安排的 坐位,請依照坐位編號入座。請注意,非參賽者將坐於觀眾區域,並不會與 參賽者同坐。
The seats are allocated according to the attendance list submitted earlier. The participants will know the allocated seats during registration. Please note that all the non-participants will sit in the audience area and will not sit together with the participants.
* 各隊師生將於頒獎典禮中獲發參賽證書。上台次序請參照頒獎典禮程序表。隊員請於上台前在演講廳左面排隊,上台後,證書將頒至該隊代表,隨後拍照。 拍照後,隊員請於台的另一面去就座。司儀和助手們將協助此過程進行。我們建議各隊到來前先選領證書的代表,以使過程順利進行。
Participating members of teams (students and teachers) will be given certificates. The order on stage is shown in the rundown of the ceremony. All members of the team shall queue up on the left hand side of the theatre before being on stage. The certificates will be presented to a representative of the team, after which photos of the team will be taken. The team shall then leave the stage on the other side. Our Master of the Ceremony and helpers will guide you with the procedure. Teams are suggested to designate a representative beforehand to take the certificates for smooth running of the procedure.
* 比賽結果將於頒獎典禮上公布。冠軍隊伍將需要介紹其參賽作品。兩組冠軍隊伍 將各有十分鐘作簡報。大會將提供隊伍於簡報時提交的檔案作簡報之用。如隊伍的探測器包括手提電腦或其他配件,請自攜出席。
The winners will be announced in the ceremony. The Champion teams are required to present their work. 10 minutes will be allocated for champions of the two categories to give presentations of their work. The organizer will provide the submitted files for presentation. If the lightning detector includes a notebook computer or other accessories, the team has to prepare themselves.
* 獲冠、亞、季軍之隊伍需於頒獎典禮後向工作人員簽收書券一份。請留意司儀的指示。
The Champion, 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up teams should sign and receive the book coupons from our staff after the ceremony. Please follow the instructions of the master of the ceremony.
* 主辦單位將邀請傳媒出席頒獎典禮。傳媒或會在頒獎典禮後訪問各得獎隊伍。
Media are invited to the ceremony. Winning teams may be interviewed after the ceremony.
* 場地於頒獎典禮後會繼續開放給同學們拍照及傳媒採訪。老師如要安排校車接送同學,請預留時間作出適當安排。
The presentation venue will continue to be opened for photo taking and media interview after the ceremony. For teachers who require to arrange school bus, please take note and make appropriate arrangement.
* 頒獎典禮當天我們會頒發多張奬狀。如發現內容有誤,請記下並於典禮後向工作人員報告。
Since we are issuing many certificates on the award presentation day, in case a mistake is found, participants are requested to take note of it and report only after the ceremony.
* 各隊可在頒獎典禮後領回其閃電探測器 (如適用)。
If your team has submitted a model, you can take back the model after the Award Presentation Ceremony.

惡劣天氣安排 Adverse Weather Arrangements:
* 若香港天文台發出8號或以上的熱帶氣旋或紅色或黑色暴雨警告信號時,作品簡報將會有以下安排:
When Tropical Storm Warning Signal No. 8 (or above) or the Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, the following arrangements will apply:
  • 若警告在下午2:30或之後生效,頒獎典禮將自動取消。
    If either of the warnings is hoisted or in force at or after 2:30pm, the ceremony will be canceled automatically.
  • 若警告信號於下午2:30前除下,頒獎典禮將如期進行。
    If the warnings is canceled on or before 2:30pm, the ceremony will be resumed.
* 如頒獎典禮已經開始:
If the ceremony has already started:
  • 若天文台發出八號預警, 所有簡報將會立即暫停。
    When Tropical Storm Warning Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, all ceremony will be suspended immediately.
  • 若天文台發出紅色或黑色暴雨警告訊號,頒獎典禮將繼續進行。演示室將保持開放,直至參賽者可以安全離開為止。
    When Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, the ceremony would continue. The theatre will remain open until it is safe for the participants to return home.

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