A Generic Pigment Model for Digital Painting

TOC of our supplementary materials


         1. Pigment mixing experiment results


    1. Single strokes

    2. Overlapping strokes

    3. Feathery effects

    4. Light fringe effects

    5. Calligraphy

    6. Painting


         1. The recent publication

         2. Video for the Fast Forward Session of EG07


1. Pigment mixing experiment results

The first and second rows are the two source pigments before mixing. The third row is the pigment mixing results sampled from real world experiment. The fourth row is the prediction of the pigment mixing behavior using our proposed neural network, but without employing the kernel functions. The fifth row is the prediction using our proposed neural network with the kernel functions.

comparing the real mixing results ( the third row )with our experiment results using neural network with the kernel functions(the fifth row): both width and height are enlarged by twice

a larger pic

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- To view XViD Avi files, you may need to download an additional video decoder, downloadable here.
- To view the MOV files, you may need to download QuickTime player here.

1. Single strokes

Single Wet Stokes
Resolution 512x512
1 minute 34 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]
Single Strokes
Resolution 1024x768
1 minute 16 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]
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2. Overlapping strokes

Overlapping Strokes
Resolution 512x512
1 minute 12 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Overlapping Strokes
Resolution 1280x1024
15 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Overlapping Strokes
Resolution 800x600
16 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Overlapping Strokes
Resolution 1280x1024
18 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

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3. Feathery effects

Feathery Strokes
Resolution 512x512
4 minutes 28 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]
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4. Light fringe effects

Light Fringe
Resolution 512x512
2 minutes 4 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]
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5. Calligraphy

Resolution 800x600
1 minute

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Resolution 800x600
47 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Resolution 800x600
34 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Resolution 800x600
43 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

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6. Painting

Resolution 640x480
3 minutes 18 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Resolution 640x480
3 minutes 24 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Resolution 800x600
1 minute 42 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Resolution 640x480
1 minute 14 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]
Resolution 1024x768
55 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]

Morning Glory
Resolution 800x600
2 minutes 24 seconds

[Microsoft Mpeg4 Avi file]

[XViD Avi file]


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1.The recent publication

S. Xu, H. Tan, X. Jiao, F.C.M. Lau, and Y. Pan, "A Generic Pigment Model for Digital Painting", Computer Graphics Forum (EG 2007), Vol. 26, 2007.

2.For the Fast Forward Session of EG07


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