Inception: 09/01/2019 ~ 09/29/2019 Status: Completed
Set up the camera AKDK
in The Duchess of Kent
Children’s Hospital at
Sandy Bay to capture
RGB-D images and
label the landmarks on the RGB-D images.
Identify the project scope and finish a detailed project plan.
Build a project website.
Research on landmark detection projects.
Equipment setup for data collection.
A detailed project plan.
A project website.
Elaboration: 09/30/2019 ~ 02/02/2020 Status: Completed
Data preprocessing.
Data Augmentation.
Landmark detection on RGB-D images with HRNet.
Train the HRNet on CS GPU Farm.
A customized dataset.
A deep learning model based on HRNet.
Designed experiments.
Construction: 02/03/2020 ~ 04/19/2020 Status: Completed
Data preprocessing.
Data Augmentation.
X-ray synthesis from RGB-D images with the pix2pix model.
Train the pix2pix model on CS GPU Farm.
A customized dataset.
A deep learning model based on the pix2pix model.
Designed experiments.