
In recent years, practice has shown that more and more training data and larger models tend to produce better precision in a variety of applications. In this era of big data, distributed machine learning can provide more computing power, so that it becomes more important than ever.

However, there are not many tools that enable users to easily define such distributed graph and visualize pipelines running in production and monitor the process.

In this paper, we present HOGAR,an efficient deployment and management framework for distributed ML serving graphs.


HOGAR consists of 2 parts, the deployment and management. First, the deployment framework is a library, which is written in python and supports defining and parsing graph information into configuration file to be feed in EARG system. On the other hand, management framework is based on and a web-based monitoring interface for visualizing pipelining machine learning tasks.

Development of UDGL

Based on Autonomous Recovery Graph, this project will further research on User Defined Graph Language and its interrelation with the architecture of distributed machine learning model. For UDGL design, I will do more research on distributed machine learning scheduling and directed acyclic graph analysis. After literature review, new improvement will be suggested to generalization of UDGL. For UDGL implementation, EARG system’s config file will be taken as a model for the output of UDGL.

Development of monitoring web interface

Web interface will be developed in Django, a high-level python framework and link to parameters in EARG systems. Meanwhile, more literature review about evaluating machine learning performance will be done and more metric for monitor will be suggested.

Current Progress


  1. Meeting with the supervisor.
  2. Project plan writing.
  3. Project website designing.
  4. Literature review.


To be released.



This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
