Digital signature using Public Key Crypto-System

Suppose Peter wants to send his signed message to Thomas via Internet, he can use the Public Key Crypto-System to provide digital signatures.  Peter uses his own private key to produce a digital signature.  Thomas will use Peter's public key to verify this digital signature.  A digital signature is different from a hand-written signature.  Usually, a digital signature is an encrypted item.

The digital signature generation process is as follows:

  • Peter uses his private key to generate the digital signature.  Technically it is the same as "encrypting" the messages with Peter' private key, and the result after encryption is the signed message.
  • Peter sends signed message to Thomas via the Internet.

  • Note that the digital signature can only be generated by Peter's private key.  Technically, if the message is modified, the digital signature will be different.

    The digital signature verification process is as follows:

  • Thomas receives the message, together with the digital signature from the Internet.
  • Thomas gets a copy of Peter's public key from Miss C.A.
  • Thomas will verify the signature by Peter's public key.  Technically, Thomas "decrypts" the message with Peter's public key.  If the result after decryption is the same as the transmitted message, Thomas can believe that the message is really come from Peter.  This is because only Peter holds his private key, which is needed to generate the digital signature.
  • Therefore, Peter cannot deny that he sends this message to Thomas.

  • Note that if the message or the digital signature is modified during the transmission, Thomas will not find the "decrypted" digital signature matches the message, then Thomas can conclude that either the message transmission is tampered, or the message is not generated by Peter.

    The key management issues are similar to sending secret message:

  • User needs to protect his/her private key really secret.
  • User's public key has to be known correctly by all other people.  If Thomas gets a wrong copy of Peter's public key, he will wrongly accept a message signed by somebody else as being signed by Peter.

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    Copyright © 1999 Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, The University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved.