2017-2018 M.Sc Project Students supervised by Prof. C.L. Wang
Title: Cloud Platform
for Investment Information
Student: Li Lin
Title: New Clustering
Algorithm Based on Spark Streaming
Student: Kang Pei
2018 April:
Title: Cloud-based
Peer-to-peer Marketplace for Small Services
Student: Gan Yuming
Title: A Book Recommendation System Based on Topics and Writing Styles
Student: Li Gongse
Title: Item2Vec-based
Approach to Recommender Systems
Student: Tong Jiongxiao
Title: Real-time Network Intrusion Anomaly Detection Based Spark Streaming
Student: Lan Jianchao
Kang Pei : New Clustering Algorithm Based on Spark Streaming |
Li Lin : Cloud Platform for Investment Information |
Gan Yuming : Cloud-based Peer-to-peer Marketplace for Small Services |
Li Gongse: A Book Recommendation System Based on Topics and Writing Styles |
Tong Jiongxiao (童炯潇) : Item2Vec-based Approach to Recommender Systems |
Lan Jianchao : Real-time Network Intrusion Anomaly Detection Based Spark Streaming |