Final Year Projects 2008-2009 for CS or BBIS Students

Proposed by Dr. C.L. Wang

CE FYP 2008-2009

(Self-Proposed Projects)

Updated : 10:40PM, June 09, 2008





Project 1: Smart Lecture Room


Supervisor: Dr. C. L. Wang

Number of students: 3





In this project, you will design and implement a smart lecture room that is able to achieve the following functions as illustrated in the scenario. When the user enters the smart lecture room, your system is able to know who he/she is by a RFID-based room control system.  Your system then tries to understand why the user is here by checking the person’s  daily schedule (e.g., Google Calendar) and the room booking system.  If the system discovers that person is scheduled to give a lecture in the meeting room, the system will automatically power on the desktop PC, projector, and download the specific PPT file from the  course webpage to the desktop in the lecture room and display it at the start of the lecture. All students enter the lecture room will receive a pop-up notice on their notebook and is able to download the PPT with wireless network connection. The system involves integration of media, networking, display, and interaction services.  


The project looks for practical usage and the developed software will be integrated with the HKU Smart Card system and CS Department's room booking system.





Project 2: Context-based Location Service on Mobile Devices


Supervisor: Dr. C.L. Wang

Number of students: 3


  1. Tang Pui Shan (pstang)

  2. Wong Po Yan Joanne (pyjwong)




Where am I? Where are my friends? What is here around me? With GPS, physical locations like latitude and longitude, can be easily obtained. However, people usually think and speak in terms of places, like "my office", "Dexter's home", or "Donald's lab., which adds personal, environmental and social meaning to a location. Therefore, almost every location-aware application will encounter the problem of translating raw location data to more symbolic, personally meaningful places. In this project, the student is required to develop an intelligent system that can determine more meaningful place labels based on user's current context (e.g., activities, friends nearby, focus of interests, etc.). The system involves the development of a reasoning engine at the server side and a lightweight GUI on the mobile device (PDA or mobile phone).


Potential  applications:

Figure: Example of Geo Tagging (地圖日記)



Some Design Issues:
