C Club

C Club --- A small group of students and lecturers having irregular meetings to try out problems in some programming contests.

C Club --- A meeting of programmers, hackers, and the like.

C Club --- Write programs in C++ --- or C .

C Club --- read the code!

C Club --- (as Dr. Andrew Choi says): We're a fun bunch of guys and gals (some would say, anyway).

class cclub                             // or is it really a class?
    // static members
    lecturer Dr. Andrew Choi        <choi@csis.hku.hk>;

    student Ng Chi Yuen             <cyng@csis.hku.hk>;
    student Ma Hing Tung            <htma@csis.hku.hk>;
    student Lee Chun Kwok         <cklee2@csis.hku.hk>;

    student Kwan Chun Tak [Doug]  <ctkwan@csis.hku.hk>;
    student Yip Chi Lap [Beta]     <clyip@csis.hku.hk>;
    student To Kar Keung [Isaac]    <kkto@csis.hku.hk>;
    student Lee Sau Dan            <sdlee@csis.hku.hk>;
    student Chow Siu Lai[Amanda]  <slchow@csis.hku.hk>;    // deceased

    student Lam Pei Fung                  <pflam@csis.hku.hk>;   // graduated
    student Lee Ming Yan [Anna]          <myalee@hkucs.org>;   // graduated
    student Wong Ching Fung              <cfwong@csis.hku.hk>;   // graduated
    student Chung Yu On                 <yochung@csis.hku.hk>;   // graduated

    // constructors and destructors
    cclub(void) { gatherings(); }       // We're constructive!
    ~cclub(void) { }                    // And nothing destroys us

    void gatherings(absolutely not void);


    void no_core_dump(void);            // I like core dump, do you want some?
    void is_that_a_program(void(*)());  // If every string is a program

    void too_many_semicolons(void);     // Especially at the end of for loops
    void infintie_loop(void) {for(;;);} // A common occurance
    int  false() { return 0; }          // Another common code

    void think(void);         // We're busying thinking... heee...
    int  eat(int);            // Yes, int. Something goes _int_o my stomach
    void fork(void);          // Dining philosphers?
    void talk(double);        // Double talking? Or water-blowing?

    void deadlock(void);      // Where is the spaghetti? You ate it?


    void reboot(void);        // You don't need to call this.
	                      // Somehow it'll be automatically invoked.

Visit the C Club pages by our members!

Some programming contest links

Some links to problem sets of programming contests:

For information on the Scholastic Programming Contest and Chinese Checkers Competition held by ACM Hong Kong Chapter , you can visit the relevant homepages.

History now...

Amanda, Isaac and I attended the ACM Scholastic Programming Contest 1995. Here's the proceedings and interrupts report.