Beta's music-related projects for final year students 2001-2002


These projects are open to both CSIS and CE students and a maximum of three groups of students from both curriculum will be supervised.

Project titlemaxNGroupnStudent/groupPreferred skills
Melody extractor 11-3WMN, Cipher
Music typesetter interface system 22-4WMN, LaTeX
Automatic music transcription system23-5WMN, Cipher, Multi, SP
Musical beat induction system 12-3WMN, Cipher, Multi, SP
Score follower 12-4MMN, Cipher, SP

When there is a total more than three groups, preference is given to those projects listed early in the above table.

All software systems should be open source and ideally be portable across platforms, e.g., runnable under both Win32 and Mac OS X.

The scope of the projects are not limited to those listed above; come to talk with me if you have any ideas.

Preferred skills