Beta's interdisciplinary and collaborative projects
for final year students 2008–2009
- This page may be updated from time to time.
Self-proposed topics welcome.
Interested areas:
meteorological computing,
computer music procssing,
audio processing,
artificial intelligence.
Interested students are discouraged from making a choice blindly without discussing with me first.
Please make an appointment by email to clyip at cs dot hku dot hk.
Students applying for the projects please email me a statment
why you are interested in the project,
and a CV for reference and records before selection.
Students are required to meet the advisors at the Hong Kong Observatory from time to time.
Automatic determination of atmospheric visibility from real-time images of video cameras
ISCS, CS or CE |
1-2 students |
Development+Research project |
Laboratory of Meteorological Computing project
in collaboration with
Hong Kong Observatory
under the
Cooperative Training Agreement
This is a continuation of the project in 2007–2008
which uses real-time images of video cameras to estimate the atmospheric visibility.
Statical methods and relative visibility were studied for the estimation of visibility,
and the methodologies can be adapted to other stations after some enhancements.
Its integration with visibility meter would hopefully help
ensure the quality of the visibility data.
- Technical and software engineering skills in cross-platform software development
- Analytical skills for algorithm and data validation and verification
- Students taking this project should take CSIS0315 Multimedia Computing and Applications
Deliverables to collaborator
Combined version of individual FYP reports.
An efficient algorithm to determine the atmospheric visibility
based on weather photos.
A software system that visibility in real-time from
weather photos,
integrated or easily intergratable into the required environment.
Technical and user documentation (e.g., installation guide, user manual)
of the software system.
"Educational Resources" section of the
HKO website.
FYP web site of
the project in 2006–2007.
FYP reports of the project in 2006–2007,
available in discussion meeting, please email for appointment.
Q. Chen, W.B. Chen, J. Cheng, Y.M. Huang, J. Shen and Y.B. Wang, 2007
Automatic determination of atmospheric visibility from real-time images of video cameras
Report for the Workshop on Industrial Applications
City University of Hong Kong, December 2006.
William C. Malm, 1999
Introduction to visibility, Air Resources Division, National Park Service.
Wu, Francis, 2006
Visibility estimation using edge detection and pixel histogram analysis
HKO internal report
Total count radioactivity sample screening system
ISCS, CE, or CS |
1 student |
Development project |
Laboratory of Meteorological Computing project
in collaboration with
Hong Kong Observatory
under the
Cooperative Training Agreement
To screen environmental samples for elevated radioactivity during emergency,
The Hong Kong Observatory has developed a
"total count sample screening system"
which reports data based on sodium iodide (NaI) scintillation detectors.
The system has been in use since 2000.
Now, the operating system (OS) of the sample screening system has become obsolete.
It is planned to develop a replacement system for use
on an updated OS platform,
as well as for increasing the throughput
of the sample screening operation.
The objective of the project is to develop application software
for the use of the replacement system.
- Technical and software engineering skills in software development.
- Knowledge in programming computer interfaces or electronics is a plus.
- May be required to work in the HKO for development and deployment.
Deliverables to collaborator
Combined version of the FYP report.
A functional software for the replacement sample screening system.
Technical and user documentation (e.g., installation guide, user manual)
of the software system.
"Educational Resources" section of the
HKO website.
Terrain-induced windshear forecast over Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA)
using artificial intelligence (AI) methods (Part II)
ISCS, CS or CE |
at least 2 students |
Research+Development |
Laboratory of Meteorological Computing project
in collaboration with
Hong Kong Observatory
under the
Cooperative Training Agreement
This project is Part II of a previous project under the same title in 2007–2008.
Previously, students have developed two algorithms
respectively using decision tree and artificial neural network
to demonstrate the feasibility of prediction terrain-induced windshear over HKIA.
The current project aims to further enhance the previous algorithms
by including additional meteorological parameters,
such as thermodynamical stability indices
to further improve the accuracy of windshear prediction.
More sophisticated AI methods would also be explored as well in this project.
Deliverables to collaborator
A written report summarizing the methods studied and the research findings.
(i.e., combined version of individual FYP reports)
A software to provide turbulence forecast over HKIA
based on real-time meteorological measurements for HKO to use.
Technical and user documentation (e.g., installation guide, user manual)
of the software system.
"Educational Resources" section of the
HKO website.
Windshear — Its Detection and Alerting, by PW Li
FYP web site of
the project in 2006–2007.
FYP reports of the project in 2006–2007.