Research Grants Awarded (1995 - )

Principal Investigator

  1. ITF grant : An eLogistics Appliance with Data Exchange and Conversion Technologies for Infrastructure Connectivity (2007 - 2008).
    Amount : HK$ 6.6M.
  2. ITF grant : Extending web 2.0 to deliver e-commerce services (2006 - 2007).
    Amount : HK$ 982,675.
  3. ITF grant : Service oriented e-transaction platform (2006 - 2008).
    Amount : HK$ 9,198,850.
  4. RGC grant : Semi-supervised Subspace Clustering for High-Dimensional Data (2005 - 2007).
    Amount : $692,480.
  5. RGC grant : Projected Clustering for High Dimensional Data and Application in Gene Expression Data Mining (2003 - 2005).
    Amount : $551,755.
  6. Innovation and Technology Support Program : A Business Process and Information Interoperability Platform Based on Open Standards (2003 - 2006).
    Amount : $13,996,087. Total including industry sponsorship: $19,338,799.
  7. RGC grant : Applying Clustering Technique to Partition Large Collection of XML Documents for Fast Query Processing (2002 - 2004).
    Amount : $433,404.
  8. Innovation and Technology Support Program : Establishment of an ebXML Software Infrastructure in Hong Kong (2002-2003).
    Amount : $9,539,000. Total including industry sponsorship : $11,800,000.
  9. RGC grant : Applying Mining Technique in Building Efficient OLAP Systems (1999 - 2001).
    Amount : $786,000.
  10. Outstand Research Award : Mining association rules on high performance parallel systems (1998 - 2000).
    Amount : $500,000.
  11. RGC grant : Mining association rules on high performance parallel systems (1998 - 2000).
    Amount : $786,000.
  12. CRCG grant : Techniques for building space-efficient data warehouses (1998 - 2000).
    Amount Awarded : $177,000.
  13. RGC grant : Discovery and maintenance of association rules in large databases (1996 - 1998).
    Amount : $416,000.
  14. CRCG grant : Mining association rules in distributed databases (1996 - 1997).
    Amount Awarded : $85,000.
  15. RGC grant : New induction techniques for knowledge discovery in databases (1995 - 1998).
    Amount : $ 541,000.
  16. CRCG grant : Rule-based attribute-oriented induction : a new techniques for knowledge discovery (1995 - 1996).
    Amount Awarded : $ 108,000.

Co-investigator/Deputy Coordinator

  1. RGC grant : Continuous Constraint Query Evaluation for Spatio-temporal Data Sequences (2005 - 2007).
    Principal investigator : N. Mamoulis (HKU). Amount Awarded : $ 525,852.00.
  2. RGC grant : Association Rule Mining on Continuous Stream Data (2004 - 2006).
    Principal investigator : Ben Kao (HKU). Amount Awarded : $ 339,414.00.
  3. RGC grant : Computational problems in sequence mining (2002 - 2004).
    Principal investigator : Ben Kao (HKU). Amount Awarded : $ 413,404.00.
  4. ITF Support Grant : An Open Platform with Privacy Protection, Guaranteed Payment, and Secure and Fast Delivery for B2C E-commerce (2001 - 2004).
    Principal investigator : Weidong Kou (HKU). Amount Awarded : $ 8,745,400.
  5. ITF Support Grant : Towards Cost-Effective E-business in the News Media & Publishing Industry Using NewsML (2001 - 2004).
    Principal investigator : Kam-Fai Wong (CUHK). Amount Awarded : $ 6,058,800.
  6. RGC grant : Music Retrieval in Digital Library (2000 - 2002).
    Principal investigator : Ben Kao (HKU). Amount Awarded : $ 405,000.00.
  7. RGC grant : Wide Web Intelligent Learning Agent (1998 - 2001).
    Principal investigator : Ben Kao (HKU). Amount Awarded : $ 786,000.00.
  8. RGC grant : Data mining in clinical databases (1996- 1998).
    Principal investigator : Vincent Ng (HKPoly U). Amount Awarded : $ 416,000.00.
  9. RGC grant : Concurrent access to rectangular data (1995 - 1997).
    Principal investigator : Vincent Ng (HKPoly U). Amount Awarded : $ 331,000.00.
  10. RGC grant : Performance analysis and theoretical studies for replicated databases (1995 - 1997).
    Principal Investigator : Ada Fu (CUHK). Amount Awarded : $492,000.00.
  11. Hong Kong industrial grant : Prototype real time MPEG-2 compatible Moving picture encoding system (1995 - 1997).
    Principal Investigator : Francis Chin (HKU). Amount Awarded : $2,892,000.00.