REGISTRATION FORM FOR GMP 2000 --------------------------------------------------------- Geometric Modeling and Processing, April 10-12, Hong Kong (Please PRINT YOUR NAME) ++++++++++++++++++++++++ First Name: ----------------------- Last Name: ----------------------- Mailing Address: ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Zip code: ----------------------------------------- Country: ----------------------------------------- Telephone: ------------------------------------------ Fax: ------------------------------------------ Email: ------------------------------------------ Payment Information ================== NOTE: You may pay by credit card (only VISA or Mastercard) or bank draft. Bank draft should be made payable to `The University of Hong Kong'. No personal cheques will be accepted from overseas participants. I wish to pay by (tick one) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ : Bank Draft -------- : VISA -------- : Mastercard ------- If paid by credit card, please fill in the following information +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Credit Card NO.: ----------------------------------------- Expiration Date: ----------------------------------------- Name on the Card: ---------------------------------------- Signature: Date: ----------------- -------------------- ======================================================================== Send in the completed registration form by FAX to (852)-2858 5415 Secretary for GMP 2000 Registration Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Tel: (852)-2859 2653 Fax: (852)-2858 5415 Email: