Dr. YIP Chi Lap [Beta], Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Content last modified 內容更新日期 2012-11-24
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Hong Kong License.
The environment we use in this workshop is Processing, a programming environment for manipulating images, animations, and interactions. It is cross-platform and can run on the OS X, Windows, and Linux. It integrates with the programming languages Java and JavaScript, and can be deployed as Java applications, on the web with HTML5 and WebGL support, or as Android applications.
Those interested in using the techniques covered in this workshop can visit its web site to download Processing as well as to go through its Learning section for tutorials and demos.
本工作坊所採用的軟件開發環境為Processing。 它是個跨平台的軟件開發環境,可在OS X,Windows,和Linux運行,用作處理圖像,動畫和人機互動設計。 它利用Java和JavaScript的編程語言,可產生出獨立運作的Java應用程式、在支緩HTML5和WebGL的瀏覽器上使用的網頁、或Android應用程式。
When there is lightning, there is a strong flash of light. If we can detect the light flash by a web cam, we could be able to detect lightning. While we'd like to leave the details of implementation to you, in this workshop, we will demonstrate how to capture video frames using a web camera, and show a number of techniques for analysing scenes on movies. We hope that the basics introduced could be useful for those interested in analysing video scenes for lightning detection.
Besides the basics offered in the Processing web site, there are examples in the "Java Examples" section. Those under the "video" folder are particularly relevant; those under "Capture" folder are related to capturing and processing data using web cam, and those under "Movie" folder are about extraction and processing of pre-recorded movies.
閃電產生强光。如我們能檢測這强光,或可測到閃電。 在這工作坊裏,我們會示範如何頡取網絡相機的影像,與及介紹一些利用影像探測突如其來的强光的方法。 具體地如何利用影像去探測閃電,就要靠你們的努力和創意了。
除了Processing的網站外,Processing的"File > Examples..."選單內也有程式範例。 其中,"video"資料夾內的"Capture"資料夾及"Movie"資料夾的內容特別相關。前者關於頡取及處理網絡相機的影像,而後者是關於頡取錄像的方法。
Comments in the source code gives explanations to features illustrated in the code.