Next: Invited Papers
Up: Published Refereed Papers
Previous: Book Chapters
- Kai Liu, Victor Lee, Karl Leung, "Data Scheduling
for Multi-item Requests in Multi-Channel On-demand Broadcast
Environments", Seventh International ACM Workshop on Data
Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access (MobiDE 2008), 13
June 2008, Vancouver, Canada.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and W.L. Yeung, "Generating User
Acceptance Plan from Test Cases", The First IEEE
International Workshop on Testing Emerging Software Technology
(TEST'07) in Proc. of the 31
Annual International Computer
Software & Applications Conference, Vol. 2, pages 737-742,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Beijing, China, 24-27 July 2007.
- Victor Lee, Joseph K-Y Ng, Karl R.P.H. Leung, "Quality
of Services for MPEG Video in Human Perspective",
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2007 (IWAIT
Jan 8-9, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, Everest K.W. Kwok and Ricky W.K. Chan,
"A video reconstruction approach supporting frame skipping in
H.264", Keynote Speech Paper,
Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Graphic
Communications, pages 20-27, Ed. Xiao-Xia Wan, Yuh-Chang Wei,
Printing Industry Publishing, Wuhan, China, 26-29 May 2006, ISBN
- W.L. Yeung, Karl R.P.H. Leung, Ji Wang and Wei Dong,
"Model Checking Suspendible Business Process via Statechart Diagrams
and CSP", Proc. 8th International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems, The 4th International
Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of
Enterprise Information Systems (MSVVEIS-2006), (forthcoming),
Paphos, Cyprus, 23-24 May 2006.
- Kenneth Man-Kin Chu, Joseph Kee-Yin Ng and
Karl R.P.H. Leung,
"A New Approach for Locating Mobile Stations under the
Statistical Directional Propagation Model",
Proc. The IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced
Information Networking and Applications (AINA2006), pages 932-940,
Vienna, Austria, 18-20 April, 2006.
- Wing Lok Yeung, Karl R.P.H. Leung, Ji Wong and Wei Dong,
"Improvements Towards Formalizing UML State Diagrams in CSP",
Proc. of the Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC
2005), pages 176-184, IEEE Computer Society Press, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2005.
- W.K. Chan, S.C. Cheung and Karl R.P.H. Leung, "Towards a
Metamorphic Testing Methodology for Service-Oriented Software
Applications", Proc. of the First International
Conference on Services Engineering (SEIW 2005), in collaboration with
the 5th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2005),
pages 470-476,
Melbourne, Australia, September 2005.
- W.L. Yeung and Karl R.P.H. Leung,
"Deriving Test Cases from B Machines Using Class Vectors",
Proc. Workshop on Verification and
Validation of Enterprise Information Systems (MSVVEIS 2005), 7th
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS
2005), pages 71-76, Miami, USA, May 2005.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung,
Using Hypergraph as Modelling Language for Generating Test Cases
On Demand,
Proc. of the Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference
(APSEC 2004), pages 519-526, IEEE Computer Society Press, Busan, Korea,
November 2004.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, Joseph K-Y Ng and W.L. Yeung,
Embedded Program Testing in Untestable Mobile Environment: An
Experience of Trustworthiness Approach,
Proc. of the Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference
(APSEC 2004), pages 430-437, IEEE Computer Society Press, Korea,
November 2004.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, "Location-based Technology for Social
Services", The 7th International Conference of Human Services
Information Technology Applications (HUSITA7), 24-27 Aug 2004, Hong
Kong SAR, China.
- Kenneth M.K. Chu, Karl R.P.H. Leung, Joseph Kee-Yin Ng and Chun Hung
Li, "Locating Mobile Stations with Statistical Directional
Propagation Model", Proc. of 18th International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2004),
pages 230-235,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Fukuoka, Japan, 29-31 March 2004,
ISBN 0-7695-2051-0.
- William H. Wong, Joseph K. Ng and Karl R.P.H. Leung,"Large-Scale
Location Estimation over GSM networks: the Gear Approach", Proc. of
The 24th IEEE International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCS 2004 Workshops),
pages 574-579,
IEEE Computer Society Press,
Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan, 23-24 March 2004,
ISBN 0-7695-2087-1.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, "An Experience of Continuous Development
-- Formulating Requirements Concurrently with System
Implementation", IASTED International Conference on Software
Engineering (SE 2004), Innsbruck, Austria, 17-19 February 2004.
- W.L. Yeung and Karl R.P.H. Leung, "CSP as a Formal Basis for
Merging Task Structures in Entity-Life Modelling", Proc. of
First Hangzhou-Luebeck Workshop on Software Engineering,
Hangzhou, P.R. China, 1-2, November 2003.
- W.L. Yeung and Karl R.P.H. Leung, "A Synergistic Interweaving
of Formal and Informal Methods", Proc. of Twenty-seventh Annual
International Computer Software & Application Conference
(COMPSAC 2003), pages 257-262, Dallas, USA, 3-6 November 2003.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, Joseph Kee-Yin Ng, Tim K.T. Chan, Kenneth
M.K. Chu, Chung Hung Li, "Network Based Mobile Station Positioning
in Metropolitan Area", Proc. of the 9th International Euro-Par
Conference (Euro-Par 2003 Parallel Processing), Pages 1017 - 1026,
Springer-Verlag, Klagnefurt, Austria, August 2003.
- Zhi-li Wu, Chu-hung Li, Joseph Ng and Karl R.P.H.
"Support Vector Regression for Location Estimation",
Proc. of ICANN/ICONIP'03, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-29 June, 2003.
- Baowen Xu, Yu Guan, Zhenqiang Chen and Karl R.P.H.
"Parallel Genetic Algorithms with Schema Migration", Proceedings of
the 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications
Conference (COMPSAC 02), pp 879-884,
IEEE Computer Society Press,
Oxford, United Kingdom, 26-29,
August, 2002.
- Joseph K.Y. Ng, Karl R.P.H. Leung, Wai Wong, Victor C.S. Lee
and Calvin K.C. Hui, "A Scheme on Measuring MPEG Video QoS with
Human Perspective", Proc. of the 8th International Conference
on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2002), Tokyo,
Japan, pp. 233-241, March 18-20, 2002.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, Wong Wai and Joseph Kee-Yin Ng, "A Test
Cases Generating Method using Class Vectors", Proceedings of the
IASTED International Conference: Applied Informatics -
International Symposium on Software Engineering, Databases, and
Applications, pp 170-175, ACTA Press, 18-21 February, 2002,
Innsbruck, Austria.
- Joseph K.Y. Ng, Wai Wong, Calvin K. Hui and Karl R.P.H.
"The Implementation of a Multi-server Distributed MPEG Video System",
Proc. of the Seventh IEEE Real Time Technology and Application Systems
(RTAS) 2001,
pp. 111-113, Taipei, Taiwan ROC,
May 31 - June 2, 2001.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung,
Extending Statecharts with ad lib and Multiple-thread
Proc. of the Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference
(APSEC 2000), pp. 330-335, IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore,
December 2000.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Wai Wong, Deriving Test Cases from Class
Vectors, Proc. of the Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference
(APSEC 2000), pp. 146-153, IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore,
December 2000.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Wai Wong, Generating Test Cases by Class
Graphs, Proc. of the Asia Pacific Quality Software Conference
(APAQS 2000), pp. 285-293, IEEE Computer Society Press, Hong Kong,
October 2000.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, Ricky W.M. Tang, Lucas C.K. Hui and S.M. Yiu,
Modelling Web Navigation by Statecharts,
Proc of the 24
Annual International Computer Software and
Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2000), pp. 41-47,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Taipei, Taiwan, October, 2000.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Lucas C.K. Hui, Multiple Signature
Handling in Workflow Systems, Proc. of the 33rd Hawaii
International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS 2000), Hawaii,
(published in CD-ROM), USA, January 2000, IEEE Computer Society Press,
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, Lucas C.K. Hui and Ricky W.M. Tang,
Integrating Different Signature Purposes in Workflow Systems -
a Case Study,
Proc. of the 5
International Computer Science Conference 1999
(ICSC'99) in cooperated with the 1999 International Computer Science
Congress (ICC'99), 360-366, Springer-Verlag, Hong Kong SAR, China,
December, 1999.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, Lucas C.K. Hui and Ricky W.M. Tang,
Extending the Liaison Workflow Model and Engine to Support
Different Signature Purposes, Proc Asia Pacific Software
Engineering Conference 1999 (APSEC'99), 572-579, Takamatsu, Japan,
December 1999, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Lucas C.K. Hui, Signature
Management in Workflow Systems, Proc of the 23
International Computer Software and Applications Conference
(COMPSAC'99), 424-429, IEEE Computer Society Press,
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, October, 1999.
- Lucas C.K. Hui and Karl R.P.H. Leung, The Need of
Signature Semantics Handling in Electronic Workflow Systems,
Proc of the 5
International Conference on Information Systems
Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS'99), 158-163,
Orlando, USA, July - August, 1999.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Symon K.W. Wong,
Bridging the ISO 9000-3 and RAISE,
Proc of the 4th International Conference on ISO 9000 and
TQM (4-ICIT), 129 - 135, Hong Kong, April 1999.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Jojo M.L. Chung, The
Liaison Workflow Engine Architecture, Proc of the 32st Hawaii
International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS'99), Hawaii,
(published in CD-ROM), USA, January 1999, IEEE Computer Society Press,
ISBN 0-7695-0001-3.
- Daniel K.C. Chan and
Karl R.P.H. Leung and Ching Ying Yan and
Keith C.C. Chan, Liaison: a Workflow Model for Novel Applications,
Proc of the 1998 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
(5th APSEC'98), 144-152,
Taipei, Taiwan, December 1998, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Wai Wong, Incorporating HOL and
RAISE: a practitioner's approach, Theorem Proving in Higher Order
Logics: Emerging Trends, 11th International Conference, TPHOL'98
Supplementary Proceedings, pp 127-140,
28 September - 2 October 1998, Canberra, Australia, 1998, ISBN
- Daniel K.C. Chan and
Karl R.P.H. Leung, Valmont: a
Language for Workflow Programming, Proc of the 31st Hawaii
International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS'98), Hawaii, Vol 7
pp. 744-753, USA, January 1998, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Daniel K.C. Chan and
Karl R.P.H. Leung, Software
Development as a Workflow Process, Proc of the Joint 1997 Asia-Pacific
Software Engineering Conference and International Computer Science
Conference (Joint 4th APSEC'97 & ICSC'97), pp. 282-291,
Hong Kong SAR, China, 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Daniel K.C. Chan and
Karl R.P.H. Leung, A Workflow Vista
of the Software Process", Proc of the 8th International Workshop on
database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pp. 62-67,
Toulouse, France, September, 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Daniel K.C. Chan, "Extending
Statecharts with Duration", Proc. 20th Computer Software
and Application Conference (COMPSAC'96), pp. 246-251,
Korea, August 1996, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Daniel Chan, "Prototyping the
Structured Specification as Logic Programs", Proc. 1995
Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC '95),
pp. 380-389, Australia, December 1995, IEEE Computer
Society Press.
- Vincent Y.S. Yiu and
Karl R.P.H. Leung, "Better Library
services with hyper-media technique", Proceedings ED-
MEDIA 95, Austria, 1995, pp. 707-712, Association for
the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, "Towards A Calculus of Object
Orientedness", Extended Abstract. Proc. of Doctoral
Consortium of the 6th Conference on Advanced
Information Systems Engineering, June 1994, pp. 21-23.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung and Clement F.S. Yim, "Reversing
Concurrent Systems Into Formal Specifications", Proc.
of Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference,
December 1994, Japan, pp. 229-234, IEEE Computer
Society Press.
- Karl R.P.H. Leung, "On Process Algebraic Framework for
Object Oriented Modelling". Extended Abstract, The 9th
European Conference on Object Oriented Programming.
Workshop for Doctoral Students in Object-Oriented
Systems, Bologna, Italy, July 1994 (in electronic
- Leung, K. and Li, H., "Structured Specifications,
Semantics, and System Semantics", Proc. The 5th
International Conference on Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering, San Francisco, pp 324-326,
Knowledge Systems Institute, June 1993.
- Wong, S.F. and
Leung, K., "Modelling Analysis on Centre
Patterns", International Computer Music Conference,
San Jose, USA, 1992.
- Li, H., Xu, B. and
Leung, K., "Image Coding Using Fuzzy
Vector Quantizer", Proc. TENCON '92, Melbourne,
Australia, 1992.
- Li, H. and
Leung, K., "A Neural Net Guided Computational
Structure for DTW Algorithm", Proceedings of 2nd
IASTED International Conference : Computer
Applications in Industry, Egypt, 1991.
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Dr Karl Leung