In the Aboriginal County of Mammoths (ACM), inhabitants have started
to build their villages a few years ago. For each village, they paved
a long trail and constructed huts, farms, waterwheels, mills and
mammoth stables along the trail. A few villages have now been
established. In order to satisfy the increasing transportation needs,
the villagers extended one end of the trail of each village to
intersect at a common point called "the Crossroads". Summits are held annually to facilitate the exchange of ideas and enhance cooperation between the villages.
The first summit was held at "the Crossroads", for symbolizing unity,
equality and "crossroads" - a place for making important
decisions. During the summit, a young girl stood out and questioned
the selection of the venue, "My sixth sense tells me that the
Crossroads is not the best location for summits. Summits should be
held at a place that minimizes the total distance from our huts to
maximize efficiency. Although villagers from some villages need to
walk a longer distance, it symbolizes real unity, cooperation,
ingenuity and that we are not stuck at the crossroads, being
The villagers are at the crossroads, their opinions divided. What is the optimal location for holding the summit, if the total distance from all huts to the summit is to be minimized?
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The Crossroads 3 1