An Intelligent System for Chinese Calligraphy

S. Xu, H. Jiang, F.C.M. Lau, and Y. Pan. An Intelligent System for Chinese Calligraphy. In the Proceedings of the 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '07). Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver , Canada , July 2007.

Part I. Decomposition

Regular fonts with automatic decomposition

(from left to right, the original artwork, the decomposition result and the detailed strokes)

Singular fonts with semi-automatic decomposition

(from left to right, the original artwork, the sketched strokes by user, the decomposition result and the detailed strokes)

Part II. Grading

Some training samples for a single stroke grading (the blacks are labeled as 95, the greens are 60 and the reds are 10)

Some testing fonts for a single stroke grading (the blacks are graded as good strokes (greater than 50 points) and the reds are grades as bad)

Some training samples for the character topology grading (the blacks are labeled as 95, the greens are 60 and the reds are 10)

Some training samples for the character topology grading (with scores provided)

44.7 12.7 7.3 64.7 5.4
80.1 99.6 99.0 88.5 99.8

Part III. Generation

Some automatic generated calligraphy which passed our grading system and yields good visual artworks

Part IV. An example of calligraphy decomposition, grading, correction and suggestion within the tutoring environment

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2 minutes 16 seconds (11.50MB)

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