The Computer Journal 34 (4): 143-152 (1991)

An Examination of Requirements Specification Languages 1

T.H. Tse 2 and L. Pong 3

[free download from Oxford Journals | review by ACM Computing Reviews | an intersting Russian translation of the paper]


We examine the features which are most desirable in requirements specification languages, and then use the framework to review six established languages: PSL, SADT, EDDA, SAMM, HOS and RSL.

Keywords: Requirements specification, specification languages, systems development

1. Part of this research was done at the London School of Economics, University of London under a Commonwealth Academic Staff Scholarship. The research was also supported in part by grants of Hong Kong and China Gas Co. Ltd. and The University of Hong Kong.
2. (Corresponding author.)
Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.
3. Currently with IBM, Canada.


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