Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software
(ICSE '08),
ACM Press, New York, NY, pp. 61-70 (2008) |
Heng Lu 2 , W.K. Chan 3 , and T.H. Tse 4
Pervasive computing software adapts its behavior according to the
changing contexts.
Nevertheless, contexts are often noisy.
Context inconsistency resolution provides a cleaner pervasive
computing environment to context-aware applications.
A faulty context-aware application may, however, mistakenly mix up
inconsistent contexts and resolved ones, causing incorrect results.
This paper studies how such faulty context-aware applications may be
affected by these services.
We model how programs should handle
contexts that are continually checked and resolved by
context inconsistency resolution,
develop novel sets of data flow equations to analyze the potential
impacts, and thus formulate a
new family of test adequacy criteria for testing these applications.
Experimentation shows that our approach is promising.
Keywords: pervasive computing, context inconsistency resolution, test adequacy |