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Engineering Group 

It is well known that there are still undetected errors in most of the popular software packages when they are released for real-life applications. Effective testing plays a very important role in reducing program faults. Unfortunately, empirical studies show that popular testing techniques are no better than random testing in many cases. This state of affairs is disheartening to software testers. On the other hand, formal techniques for proving program correctness have been around for a long time. They are, however, far from popular in the industry because the proofs are too difficult and automatic theorem provers cannot be constructed. The future of software quality lies in an integration of the two paradigms.

The Software Engineering Group at The University of Hong Kong is internationally recognized as the pioneer for integrating formal and practical techniques in software engineering and testing. Our members include leading researchers in software engineering in Hong Kong. We have published numerous papers in high-quality journals and conferences, including IEEE TSE, IEEE TSC, Inf Sci, CACM, ACM TOSEM, ICSE, FSE, and WWW. We have been funded by research grants of 15 million dollars to date. We have a 90% success rate for the applications of funding at the Research Grants Council and the Innovation and Technology Commission in Hong Kong.


o   Prof. T.H. Tse, The University of Hong Kong
Core Researchers
o   Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
o   Jinan University, China
o   Dr F.T. Chan, The University of Hong Kong
o   Dr W.K. Chan, City University of Hong Kong
o   Prof. S.C. Cheung, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
o   Dr Karl R.P.H. Leung, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
o   Dr P.-L. Poon, CQUniversity Australia
o   Dr Y.T. Yu, City University of Hong Kong


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