Prof. T.H. Tse
    Graphic Designs  
    Click here to enlarge the photo of Prof. T.H. Tse

Prof. T.H. Tse is well known for his logo designs for non-government organizations, such as the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Physical Disabilities, the SAHK, Lohas Florist, Café Lohas, the Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre, the CereCare Foundation, and Hong Kong Abilympics 2007. He also designed the logo of the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing of The University of Hong Kong, the logo of the Equal Opportunity Employer Recognition Scheme, the 20th and 25th anniversary logos of the Equal Opportunities Commission, the 70th anniversary logo of Li Sing Primary School, the logo of the Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the logo of the Best Practice Award of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the 50th and 55th anniversary logos of SAHK, the 25th and 30th anniversary logos for the Hong Kong PHAB Association, the 10th and 25th anniversary logos of Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong, and the logos of knowledge exchange enterprises such as the Accessible IT Development Association (AIDA). He was also the designer of the logo of the IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS), the logo of the International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC), the logo of the International Workshop on Debugging and Repair (IDEAR), the logo of the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2014), the logo of the 19th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2012), and the 30th anniversary logo of IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter. He was awarded the first prize for his logo design in the visions and missions retreat of The University of Hong Kong, and a special prize for the open logo competition of the Hong Kong Computer Society. He served on the working group for the revamp of the main website of The University of Hong Kong, which was selected for the “best in class” award, the highest honour bestowed by the Interactive Media Council, New York, NY in 2013, a silver award by The Communicator Awards of the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts in 2014, and the university standard of excellence by WebAward 2014.

Prof. Tse is currently an honorary professor in computer science at The University of Hong Kong after retiring from his full professorship in July 2014.

Click for more information on the 70th Anniversary Logo of Li Sing Primary School First Prize in Alumni Group
70th Anniversary Logo Design Competition

Li Sing Primary School
© 2024
Click for more information on the cover of the Handbook of Software Fault Localization © 2023
Click for more information on the cover of the Handbook of Software Fault Localization © 2023
Click for more information on the logo of Tam Wing Fan Inno Wing Two © 2021
Click for more information on the EO Recognition logo © 2021
Click for more information on the EOC 25th Anniversary logo © 2020
In Loving Memory of Mr Tam Wing Fan 2020
Click for more information on the SAHK iogo © 1998, 2019
Click for more information on the logo of Zhiquan Technology © 2019
Click for more information on the logo of DeepTranslate © 2018
Click for more information on the logo of DeepChain © 2018
Click for more information on the logo of Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing © 2018
Click for more information on the Lohas Florist logo © 2018
Click for more information on the SAHK 55th Anniversary logo © 2017
Click for more information on the RAHK 25th Anniversary logo © 2017
Click for more information on the EOC 20th Anniversary logo © 2016
Click for more information on the QRS logo QRS 2015–
IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security
© 2015
Click for more information on the Inclusive Organisations logo Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme
Labour and Welfare Bureau
© 2014
Click for more information on the AIDA logo AIDA: IT©ö¹F¨ó·|
Accessible IT Development Association
© 2014
Click for more information on the FSE '14 logo SIGSOFT 2014/FSE-22
The 22nd ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering
© 2014
Click for more information on the Café Lohas logo Café Lohas
Powered by Pacific Coffee
© 2014
Click for more information on the IWPD logo IWPD 2013–17 and IDEAR 2018–
International workshop on DEbugging And Repair
© 2013
Click for more information on the SAHK 50th anniversary logo SAHK
Celebrating 50 Years of
Success and Advancement
© 2013
Click for more information on the logo of APSEC 2012 APSEC 2012
The 19th Asia-Pacific Conference on Software Engineering
© 2012
Click for more information on the 30th anniversary logo of IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter 30th Anniversary Logo
IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter
© 2012
Click for more information on the logo of Art Accessibility Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre
Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
© 2011
Click for more information on the logo of CereCare Foundation Ltd. CereCare Foundation Ltd.
© 2009
Click here to view the poster of Hong Kong Abilympics 07 Hong Kong Abilympics 07
Logo and Poster Design by Prof. T.H. Tse
Painting of Abi by Miss Tung-Mui Liu
Poster Artwork by First Sense Design 
© 2007
Logo of Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities
© 2004
Click for more information on the Best Practice Award logo Logo of Best Practice Award
Hong Kong Council of Social Service
© 2003
Declaration: This logo was designed before the "like" button. The latter was invented in 2007.
RAHK 10th Anniversary Logo 10th Anniversary Logo
Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong
© 2002
PHAB Association 30th Anniversary Logo 30th Anniversary Logo
Hong Kong PHAB Association
© 2002
HKU Science Faculty 60th Anniversary Logo 60th Anniversary Logo
Faculty of Science
The University of Hong Kong

© 1999
HKU Missions and Visions

First Prize in Missions and Visions Logo Competition

The University of Hong Kong
© 1997

Click for more information on the Hong Kong Computer Society logo Special Prize
Open Logo Competition

Hong Kong Computer Society
© 1993
Click for more information on The Software Engineering Group The Software Engineering Group
The University of Hong Kong
© 1990
HKU Science Faculty 30th Anniversary Logo 30th Anniversary Exhibition
Faculty of Science
The University of Hong Kong

© 1970

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