Exhibition day arrangements 作品展覽日安排

  1. The Project Exhibition, Judging and Award Presentation will be held on 2018-04-29[Sun]. 作品展覽、評審及頒獎典禮於二零一八年四月二十九日星期日舉行。
  2. The exhibition venue is Room LE2, LE4, and LE5, Library Building (New Wing), The University of Hong Kong. 展覽地點為香港大學圖書館大樓 (新翼) LE2, LE4 及 LE5 室。
  3. The ceremony will be held at Hui Pun Hing Lecture Hall (LE1, Library Building (New Wing)), The University of Hong Kong. 頒獎禮地點為香港大學許磐卿講堂(圖書館大樓 (新翼) LE1 室)。
  4. Here it is the rundown of the day. 當日日程如下。
    Time 時間Event 事件
    0915-1000 Participant on-site preparation 參賽隊伍展覽前準備
    1000-1500 Visit of exhibits by judges 評判參觀作品
    1030-1330 Presentation of participation certificates 頒發參賽證書
    1100-1530 Exhibition open to public 展覽開放予公眾參觀時段
    1100-1500 "My Favourite UV Radiation Measurement Device Award" and "My Favourite UV Radiation Application Award" voting period 「我最喜愛的紫外線測量器」及「我最喜愛的紫外線應用獎」獎項投票時段
    1530-1545 Preparation of Award presentation and closing ceremony 準備頒獎典禮及閉幕禮
    1545-1700 Award presentation and closing ceremony 頒獎典禮及閉幕禮
    1700-1745 Photo and cleanup session 拍照及收拾時間
  5. Participants can enter the assigned venue at 0915 hour the earliest for preparation. Since this is an exhibition open to the public, we suggest that participants start preparing early. 參賽者最早可於九時十五分進入展覽場地。 因為這是公開予公眾參觀的展覽,我們建議大家早點到場準備。
  6. The locations of the exhibition areas of the teams are assigned by the organizers. 每隊展覽區的位置由主辦單位決定。
  7. Each team will be provided with the following resources that cannot be taken away:
    1. Two tables
    2. A power socket.
    1. 兩張
    2. 一個電源插座。
  8. The location of the exhibition area of each team is determined by the detector size mentioned in the "Intention to Submit" form. Members of the team can stay around their exhibition areas for demonstration to judges and visitors. Teams should not block the way. 主辦單位根據早前提交的「作品提交意向書」編配展覽位置。 每隊的展覽區就是他們展枱前的區域。 隊員可在他們的展覽區展示他們的作品予評判及參觀者。 隊員及物品不可阻塞通道。
  9. All exhibition materials, including the submission, are to be taken away after the exhibition. 展覽後請帶走所有帶來的東西,包括參賽作品。
  10. The submitted reports will not be given back to the teams. Teams intending to show their reports should prepare their own copies. 已提交的文字報告將不會發還參賽隊伍。 如欲展示文字報告,請自行準備。
  11. We suggest that team members wear school uniforms in the exhibition. 我們建議參賽者穿著校服出席展覽。
  12. There is no chair in the exhibition areas. Teams are advised to make arrangements so that the exhibition area is manned at any time the exhibition is open, even when some team members are visiting other exhibits, or resting in the area outside the rooms. 展覽區沒有椅子。 我們建議參賽隊伍作人手安排,以確保在展覽開放時段,無論有隊員在參觀其他作品,或在展覽室外休息時,每隊的展覽區仍有人看守及示範。
  13. Participants are advised to bring their own tools for setting up, cleaning up and repairing their devices when needed. 我們建議參賽隊伍自携工具佈置及清理場地,與及有需要時可以修理其參賽作品。
  14. We discourage the use of amplifiers in the exhibition areas. 我們不建議在展覽場地使用揚聲設備。
  15. There will be wireless network in the exhibition areas. For details, please visit http://www.its.hku.hk/documentation/guide/network/wifi/wifihk. 展覽場地有無線網絡供應。詳情請參閲:http://www.its.hku.hk/documentation/guide/network/wifi/wifihk
  16. There is no designated lunch time; teams are advised to make appropriate lunch and duty arrangements. 展覽不設午膳時間,參賽隊伍請自行安排午膳和看守安排。
  17. Please do not eat in the exhibition hall. 請勿在場內進食。
  18. We encourage participants to visit the exhibits by other teams and share their experience. That is knowledge exchange! 我們鼓勵各參賽隊伍互相參觀對方的作品,分享大家的經驗。這就是知識交流!
  19. All participants should be present in Hui Pun Hing Lecture Hall during the Award presentation and closing ceremony. 頒獎典禮及閉幕禮進行時,參賽者請到許磐卿講堂就坐。
  20. As a reminder, the "My Favourite UV Radiation Measurement Device Award" and "My Favourite UV Radiation Application Award" are determined by visitors' votes. Please invite your schoolmates, friends and family, alumni and alumae to come and visit! 提醒大家,「我最喜愛的紫外線測量器」及「我最喜愛的紫外線應用獎」獎項由投票產生,請宣傳,讓同學、親友、舊生齊來參觀!
  21. Before 11:00, only participants are allowed to enter the exhibition venue. Each team is required to register at the reception when they enter the venue in the morning. 在早上十一時前,只限參賽隊伍名單上的老師及同學進場。家長或其他同學可於公眾參觀時段入場觀賞。早上進場時,各隊伍請於點名處報到。
  22. During the judging period, only participants are allowed to demonstrate their work and answer questions from judges. 評判參觀作品期間,只限參賽隊伍名單上的學生介紹作品及回答評判提問。
  23. Certificate of Participation will be presented during the exhibition period. 主辦單位將於展覽期間頒發參賽證書。
Table for placing the UV detector, with an A4 folder as size reference. Each group will have two tables. 用來放展品的枱。A4 文件夾用作比較大小。每組會有兩張枱提供。
Fire Evacuation Plan 火警疏散圖