
Project Background

The consumer robotics market has been increasing in the recent past and it has been predicted by financial market analysers that the market will increase sharply in the near future. Consumer robots have been emerging as a trend among consumers for recreational activities. I am interested in using robots to create interactive games based on real environmental feedback. In the extent of a single generation there has been a major change in the way games are enjoyed by the youth. In our current generation, youth mostly resorts to virtual simulations as a resort of enjoying themselves. I believe that electronics can be used to get people interested in games based on real world environments.

Project Objective

This project aims to provide a electronic means of recreation for young minds. It seeks to help us increase our interaction with the real world using a technology that is familiar to us. This project would also help us alleviate the knowledge of the general public with regards to such electronics so that in time the mindset of society changes to a more open and welcoming attitude towards robots in general.

The project will develop a game that will allow the user to guide the robot using voice commands, and in doing so the objective of the game would be to arrive at the destination without coming into physical contact with any obstacle. This will help the player improve their cognitive ability by predicting and gauging distances moved by the robot.

An interesting add-on to this game would be a version of the game that would require the robot to be driven on a path drawn by a black line. The robot will initially accept voice commands and then follow those commands, if at any point the robot leaves the path drawn with the black line the user will either lose the game or lose a life. This could also enable us to define the actual paths for the user to play with rather than them having to rely on their own creativity.

At the final stage of development the robot should present a more interactive and realistic recreational activity than the virtual games so rampant in our society, while improving the general perceptions of robots in our time.

A game of soccer using robots

Dr. Vincent Lau
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