Software Development Process

The development of this application is divided into the development of three different aspects of this project: Cube Solver, Cube Reader and the Virtual Cube.


The given software is 5.41 MB in size and has a minimum SDK of 15 while the Target SDK is 23.

Software Design Considerations

Beginning with the functional requirements, the Rubik's Cube Solver was divided into 3 particular tasks, which mainly influenced the design decisions of the Project. However, a change in the business requirements led to shifts from in the design of the Model-View-Controller.

This project saw several changes in design decisions as can be made out from the above outline. Changes moved from demonstrating an interface based "Virtual Cube" object-oriented, to simple object-per-activity model, as can be seen in the image below.

Components of this project

The given project made use of several Artificially Intelligent Tools: Computer Vision for the detection of the Cube, 3D Object Animation and Game solving algorithms. To use them in Android Studio, the following tools were used:

Computer Vision

OpenCV 3.0.0 was used in order to detect the Rubik's cube sides and faces.

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Solving Algorithm

Kociemba library was used and modified for an android device so as to be able to get a solution in record time,

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3D Object Animation

The 3D Rubik's Cube was supported with the help of OpenGL and AnimationCallBack.

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