Current Working Progress


Content Deadline Done? Doc
Detailed Project Plan & Project web page Write a detailed project plan explains all the related information of this project. Also create a web page introduce the game. 2nd October, 2016

Game Story Line Write about all the character and the related dialogue that may interact with the player. Also design how the story related to computer science content. 20th October, 2016

Story Evaluation & Improved story Improve the game story line after interviewing some students. 31th October, 2016

Graphic Create and collect all the graphics include the character, environment, items and skills icon, etc. 15th November, 2016

Sound & Music Record and collect all the sound effect and background music required and fit it to the different scenario. 5th December, 2016

Playable Game Prototype IThe primary game will be developed according to the story, game flow, graphic and sound & music. Noted that few of the game function should be working in this phase. 6th January, 2017

First Presentation Present the primary product which is part of the game and demonstrate the feature of the game. 9th to 13th January, 2017

Evaluation and Preliminary Implementation After demo the prototype to some students, the first part of the game which is playable will be developed based on the prototype comments. 22nd January, 2017

Alpha Version of game The playable game with complete game feature and functionality will be developed. It will be tested with some students and ask for their comment. 1st April, 2017

Final Product and Final Report Finalized tested game with complete game feature and functionality based on the comment of alpha version will be developed. The final detailed report of the game will be written. 16th April, 2017

Final Presentation Present the product which is the game and demonstrate the game. 18th to 21st April, 2017

Project Exhibition Exhibit the complete product which is the game to the public. 2nd May, 2017