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Dongxiao Yu
(PhD Candidate, HKU; B.Sc, Shandong University) |
I am currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong, under the supervision of Prof. Francis C.M. Lau. Before that, I studied at the School of Mathematics, Shandong University, China, under the supervision of Prof. Guizhen Liu. I got my B.Sc degree also from the School of Mathematics, Shandong University in 2006.
I am a Microsoft Research Asia Fellow.
Distributed Computing
Algorithmic Mechanism Design
Wireless Networks
Exact and Parameterized Algorithm Design
Graph Theory
Email: dxyu@cs.hku.hk
Office: Room 335A, Haking Wong Building, The University of Hong Kong.
Dongxiao Yu, Yuexuan Wang, Qiang-Sheng Hua, and Francis C.M. Lau. Faster and Space Efficient Exact Exponential Algorithms: Combinatorial and Algebraic Approaches. Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, 2nd Edition, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, New York, to appear.
Hongyu Liang, Tiancheng Lou, Haisheng Tan, Amy Yuexuan Wang and Dongxiao Yu. On the Complexity of Connectivity in Cognitive Radio Networks Through Spectrum Assignment. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, accepted.
Hongxing Li, Chuan Wu, Dongxiao Yu, Qiang-sheng Hua and Francis C.M. Lau. Aggregation Latency-Energy Tradeoff in Wireless Sensor Networks with Successive Interference Cancellation. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), to appear.
Qiang-Sheng Hua, Yuexuan Wang, Dongxiao Yu, and Haisheng Tan. Minimum Latency Link Scheduling for Arbitrary Directed Acyclic Networks under Precedence and SINR Constraints. Journal of Interconnection Networks, Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2: 85-107, 2011.
Shuo Li, Dongxiao Yu and Jin Yan. Color Degree and Heterochromatic Paths in Edge-Colored Graphs. Ars Comb., to appear.
Yunshu Gao, Dongxiao Yu. Acyclic Edge Coloring of Planar Graphs Without Cycles of Specific Lengths. J Appl Math Comput, Vol. 37, 533-540, 2011.
Qiangsheng Hua, Yuexuan Wang, Dongxiao Yu and Francis Lau. Dynamic Programming Based Algorithms for Set Multicover and Multiset Multicover Problems. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 411, 2467-2474, 2010.
Qiangsheng Hua, Yuexuan Wang, Dongxiao Yu and Francis Lau. Set Multi-Covering via Inclusion-Exclusion. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 410, 3882-3892, 2009.
Dongxiao Yu, Jianfeng Hou, Guizhen Liu, Bin Liu and Lan Xu. Acyclic Edge Coloring of Planar Graphs with Large Girth. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 410, 5196-5200, 2009.
Dongxiao Yu, Guizhen Liu and Shuo Li. The Heterochromatic Cycles in Edge-Colored Graphs. J Appl Math Comput, Vol 30, 171-179, 2009.
Wei Chen, Yajun Wang, Dongxiao Yu, Li Zhang. Sybil-proof Mechanisms in Query Incentive Networks. The 14th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'13), June 16-20, 2013, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Dongxiao Yu, Qiang-Sheng Hua, Yuexuan Wang, Jiguo Yu, Francis C.M. Lau. Efficient Distributed Multiple-Message Broadcasting in Unstructured Wireless Networks. The 32nd International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2013), April 14-19, 2013, Turin, Italy.
Qiang-Sheng Hua, Haisheng Tan, Yuexuan Wang, Hongxing Li, Dongxiao Yu, Francis C.M. Lau, Chuan Wu. Computing Capacity and Connectivity in Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks. The 12th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN 2012), December 13-15, 2012, Texas, USA.
Hongyu Liang, Tiancheng Lou, Haisheng Tan, Amy Yuexuan Wang and Dongxiao Yu. Complexity of Connectivity in Cognitive Radio Networks Through Spectrum Assignment. The 8th International Symposium on Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities (ALGOSENSORS 2012), September 13-14, 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Weijie Shi, Qiang-Sheng Hua, Dongxiao Yu, Yuexuan Wang, Francis C.M. Lau. Efficient Information Exchange in Single-Hop Multi-Channel Radio Networks. The 7th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA 2012), August 8-10, Yellow Mountains, China.
Dongxiao Yu, Qiang-Sheng Hua, Yuexuan Wang, Haisheng Tan, and Francis C.M. Lau. Distributed Multiple-Message Broadcast in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks under the SINR Model. The 19th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2012), June 30 - July 2, 2012, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Dongxiao Yu, Qiang-Sheng Hua, Yuexuan Wang, and Francis C.M. Lau. An O(log n) Distributed Approximation Algorithm for Local Broadcasting in Unstructured Wireless Networks. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2012), May 16-18, 2012, Hangzhou, China.
Dongxiao Yu, Qiang-Sheng Hua, Weiguo Dai, Yuexuan Wang, Francis C.M. Lau. Dynamic Contention Resolution in Multiple-Access Channels. The 10th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications ( WWIC 2012), June 6-8, 2012, Island of Santorini, Greece.
Nathaniel Hobbs, Yuexuan Wang, Qiang-Sheng Hua, Dongxiao Yu and Francis C.M. Lau. Deterministic Distributed Data Aggregation under the SINR model. The 9th annual conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC 2012), May 16-21, 2012, Beijing, China.
Dongxiao Yu, Yuexuan Wang, Qiang-Sheng Hua, and Francis C.M. Lau. Distributed (Δ+1)-Coloring in the Physical Model. The 7th International Symposium on Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities (ALGOSENSORS 2011), September 8-9, 2011, Saarbruecken, Germany.
Dongxiao Yu, Yuexuan Wang, Qiang-Sheng Hua, and Francis C.M. Lau. Distributed Local Broadcasting Algorithms in the Physical Interference Model. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2011), June 27-29, 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
Dongxiao Yu, Yuexuan Wang, Qiang-Sheng Hua, and Francis C.M. Lau. Exact Parameterized Multilinear Monomial Counting via k-layer Subset Convolution and k-Disjoint Sum. The 17th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2011), August 14-16, 2011, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Qiang-Sheng Hua, Dongxiao Yu, Francis C.M. Lau, and Yuexuan Wang. Exact Algorithms for Set Multicover and Multiset Multicover Problems. The 20th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2009), LNCS 5878, pp. 34-44, December 16-18, 2009, Hawaii, USA.
2013: Hung Hing Ying Scholarships 2012-2013, Hung Hing Ying and Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation
2012: Hung Hing Ying Scholarships 2011-2012, Hung Hing Ying and Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation
2010: MSRA Fellowship, Microsoft Research Asia
2009: Hong Kong University Fellowship, HKU
2009: University Postgraduate Scholarship, HKU
2008: Guanghua Scholarship, SDU
2003-2005: Excellent Student Scholarship, SDU
01/2009-08/2009: Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong, Advised by Prof. Francis C.M. Lau
09/2011-01/2012: Visiting Student, Institute of Interdisciplinary Information Science (headed by Turing Award Winner Prof. Andrew Yao), Tsinghua University
02/2012-07/2012: Research Intern, Microsoft Research Asia, Advised by Dr. Wei Chen
2010, Spring: Teaching assistant for course "CSIS0250A, Algorithm Design and Analysis"
2012, Fall: Teaching assistant for course "ENGG1007, Foundation of Computer Science"
2011: Co-chair of the track "Network Modeling and Design", in the 6th Beijing-Hong Kong International Doctoral Forum