
雨量計 雨量計之歷史及技術資料
比賽詳情 參賽資格、比賽規則、評審準則等
程序表 報名、工作坊、參觀及交件日期
連結 相關網頁連結
查詢 聯絡主辦單位的方法
下載 海報、軟件等下載
討論區 傾吓講吓


得奬名單 得奬隊伍參賽者名單
傳媒報道 傳媒對雨量計設計比賽的報道

Digital media links

2006-09-09[6] Getting ready, guest speeches
2006-09-09[6] Participation certificates
2006-09-09[6] Judge comments, Junior category awards
2006-09-09[6] Senior category awards
2006-09-09[6] Champion team presentation
2006-09-09[6] Champion teams miscellaneous
2006-08-19[6] Team presentations
2006-08-19[6] Shots of deliverables and presentation
2006-04-08[6] Visit to the King's Park Meteorological Station, Hong Kong Observatory
2006-04-01[6] Visit to HKU Faculty of Engineering
2006-04-01[6] Workshop on computer interfacing
2006-03-11[6] Talk on rain and its measurements

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