Please register and pay online here (disabled). The early bird registration deadline is March 06, 2017 extended to March 13, 2017. To complete the registration process, one must fill in the registration form and pay by the deadline.

Note that:
(i) At least one of the authors of an accepted paper/poster/highlight must register on or before the early registration deadline (March 06, 2017 March 13, 2017);
(ii) Current members of ISCB are entitled to 10% discount. You can join ISCB here;
(iii) Student registration is NOT entitled to the banquet;
(iv) Students: if you want to apply for travel fellowship, please join ISCB first before you register and pay, otherwise, you may not be able to get a full refund of 10% discount and a service charge may apply after the payment is completed.