Announcing the new site feed

Web feed is a very convenient way to keep track of the updates of your favorite website. We recognize the importance of the technology and and we are happy to announce that a new feed generator has been written for the main page of our website.

New URL of the feed:

The new feed generator is written according to the Atom standard. Compared to the feed generator from Joomla!, its advantages are as follows:

  1. The title of the main page feed is the same as the website title.
  2. Feed entries have the same id even when the link structure is changed.
  3. A base URI is set for the contents located by relative URIs.
  4. Feed entries have useful category information.

In addition to the new features above, the feed is now powered by Google FeedBurner, which allows us to analyze the statistics of the feed and do some optimizations.

Subscribers to the old feed have been redirected to the new feed automatically. However, old entries will appear again due to the change of entry id. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and we will make sure the new feed generator will not have the same issue.

We hope you all enjoy the new feed. If you have any comments on our website, please feel free to contact us by email to Thanks!