Results of Election of Office Bearers of CSA, ENS, HKUSU, Session 2013-2014

Dear all,

The Election of Office Bearers of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, Session 2013-2014 was held on 2013-03-01 during the Annual General Meeting of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, Session 2012-2013. The results of the election are as follows:

Number of full members present: 25
Number of valid votes: 24
Number of invalid votes: 1

Candidate Party “Prometheus”

For: 23; Against: 1; Abstain: 0
Result: Elected

According to Section 5.4.1 of the Constitution of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, any request for a re-election shall only be entertained if made by not less than 10 full members in writing together with the grounds on which the request is made submitted to the Chairperson of the Election not later than 24 hours after the announcement of the results of the election. The deadline for any re-election request is therefore 2013-03-03 12:16. The results of the election will be final if no such request is received.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact me at 6418-1714 or by email to Thank you for your attention.

Yours faithfully,

LEE Man Yin, MY

Election of Office Bearers of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, Session 2013-2014