各位同學: 香港大學學生會工程學會計算機科學學會幹事會現正招募新一屆幹事會成員。我們誠摯地邀請各位同學參與是次招莊會。 招莊會詳情如下: 日期:2014年10月8日(星期三) 時間:下午六時半至八時 地點:香港大學周亦卿樓3樓308室 我們希望所有有興趣上莊的同學抽空出席是次聚會,屆時現屆幹事將會分享上莊事宜和回答相關提問。如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡學會主席陳浩華(97515711) 或 電郵至csa@cs.hku.hk與我們聯絡。謝謝。 Dear classmates, Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU (CSA, ENS, HKUSU) is now recruiting new Executive Committee and you are cordially invited to participate in the[…]
Month: September 2014
Membership Card Renewal
Dear all, On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU (CSA, ENS, HKUSU), I would like to inform you that you may re-new your membership card of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU (CSA,[…]
Mixer (Semester 1, 2014–2015)
Mixer (Semester 1, 2014–2015) is a free buffet-like lunch which allows staff and students to gather and share thoughts in a relaxing environment. Date: 11th September 2014[…]
Mixer (Semester 1, 2014–2015)
Dear all, On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, we would like to invite you to join the Mixer (Semester 1, 2014–2015). Mixer (Semester 1, 2014–2015) is a free buffet-like lunch which allows staff and[…]