Dear all, Halloween is coming! Want to release the pressure from schoolwork? Want to make new friends ? On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, we would like to invite you to join[…]
Month: October 2015
Executive Committee Recruitment Gathering of CSA, ENS, HKUSU Session 2016–2017
各位同學: 想充實大學生活?想認識更多cs人? 想把握機會做自己想做的事,搏盡無悔渡過這一年? 香港大學學生會工程學會計算機科學學會幹事會現正招募新一屆幹事會成員。 無論你係freshmen定senior,只要對上莊有興趣,我們都歡迎你來參加招莊茶聚。 第二次招莊茶聚詳情如下: 日期:2015年10月6日(星期二) 時間:下午六時至七時半 地點:CB 308(周亦卿樓) 屆時現屆幹事將會分享上莊事宜和回答相關提問。如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡學會主席譚海杰(90614322) 或 電郵至csa@cs.hku.hk與我們聯絡。謝謝。 Dear classmates, Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU (CSA, ENS, HKUSU) is now recruiting new Executive Committee and you are cordially invited[…]