Dear all, On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, we would like to invite you to participate in Welfare Week. The details of the function are as follows: Dates: 24th, 25th, 28th and[…]
Month: November 2016
Superpass Day (Semester 1, 2016 – 2017)
Dear all, On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, we would like to invite you to join Superpass Day on 29th November 2016 (Tuesday). Superpass Day provides a chance to experience the Superpass[…]
CS Hiking — Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail
考完Mid Term,係咪好想做下運動鬆一鬆但係又冇伴呢?咁就要join我地嘅CS Hiking Trip啦!我地會由荃灣出發沿元荃古道一路行到深井,沿途可以欣賞大嶼山嘅景色,仲可以見到青馬大橋同汀九橋!落到深井仲可以去食燒鵝添!仲唔快啲叫埋啲朋友一齊報名? 活動詳情: 日期:11月20日 集合時間:10:00am 集合地點:荃灣港鐵站 費用:免費 行山路徑:元荃古道 (荃灣至深井) 行程:約3-4小時 網上報名: 查詢:Brian (9120 3711) CSA is going to hold the CS Hiking Trip after the Mid Term exams. We will hike through the[…]