啱啱開Sem,係咪好想做下運動有個好嘅開始但係又冇伴呢?咁就要join我哋嘅CS Hiking Trip啦!我哋會由土地灣出發沿龍脊郊遊徑行到大浪灣,沿途仲可以欣賞打爛埕頂山、龍脊、大潭峽同馬塘坳嘅景色!仲唔快啲叫埋啲朋友一齊報名? 活動詳情: 日期:1月25日 (星期四) 集合時間:10:00am 集合地點:筲箕灣港鐵站 費用:免費 行山路徑:龍脊郊遊徑 行程:約3-4小時 網上報名:http://j.mp/csa17hiking 查詢:Anson (5360 0131) CSA is going to hold the CS Hiking Trip in the beginning of semester. We will hike through the Dragon’s[…]
Category: Activities 2017 – 2018
Welfare Week 2017
Dear all, We are glad to announce you that we will be organizing our annual Welfare Week! Please come to collect Welfare pack and enjoy Association products on discounted price. Apart from this, Members can[…]
Joint Society Dodgeball Competition
各位同學, 踏入十一月,俾assignments同tests chur到抖唔到氣?咁就參加我地Joint Soc閃避球比賽放鬆下啦!想一齊玩但係又搵唔到人?唔緊要,我地可以幫你編排隊友:) 今次既Joint Soc Dodgeball係CES, CSA, EEEA, IES 同埋 MES合辦,同學亦可以藉此同其他engine人一決高下! 活動詳情: 聯會閃避球比賽 日期: 17/11/2017 (星期五) 時間: 下午七時至九時 地點: 薄扶林道遊樂場 有興趣就即刻報名喇! https://docs.google.com/forms/u/2/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUMJGqoeNGO8jg809U4LzUxoB9THjXSdBF1T2mPtx3h4xVLw/viewform?usp=sf_link 如有任何疑問, 請聯絡: 香港大學學生會工程學會計算機科學學會 體育秘書 許嘉善 (68483300) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CSA.ENS.HKUSU/ Email: csa@cs.hku.hk Dear all,[…]
Annual Dinner 2017
Dear all, On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, Session 2017–2018, it is our honour to invite you to the Annual Dinner. The Annual Dinner is an annual gathering event for the Members,[…]
CSA × ISA Open Data Hackathon 2017
Dear all, Do you always come up with new ideas but get no time to kick it start? Are you looking for a chance to showcase your talent and creativity? Do you want to have[…]
Mixer (Semester 1, 2017–2018)
Dear all, On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, we would like to invite you to join the Mixer (Semester 1, 2017–2018). Mixer (Semester 1, 2017–2018) is a free buffet-like lunch which allows[…]
Superpass Day (Semester 2, 2017 – 2018)
各位同學: 即將黎到學期即尾聲,趕Deadline做Project 又要準備好考試? 壓力大又要通頂? 禁就立即黎計算機科學學會將會舉辦嘅勁過日,當日可以寫張屬於你嘅勁過揮春,將你對考試嘅期望同希望寫出黎,然後同CS嘅同學仔齊齊食個勁過飯。放鬆心情,迎接考試! 勁過日詳情如下: 活動一: 寫勁過揮春 日期: 2017年4月25日(星期二) 時間: 15:00 – 18:00 地點: 黃克競樓311室門外 費用: 全免 寫勁過揮春為你及你既同學打氣,務求今個學期一齊過三爆四! 活動二: 勁過飯 日期: 2017年4月25日(星期二) 時間: 19:00 – 22:00 地點: 堅尼地城士美菲路熟食中心 (晚上六時半會在黃克競樓311室門外集合) 費用: 港幣六十元正 美味佳餚同埋過三利是等緊你,名額有限,唔好等啦,黎我地攤位報名啦。 地攤位報名時間唔得行?唔緊要!係以下GOOGLE FORM[…]
Photo-taking Day
Dear all, On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, we would like to invite you to join the Photo-taking Day. Photo-taking Day is a special day reserved for the upcoming graduates of the[…]
Mixer (Semester 2, 2016-2017)
Dear all, On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, we would like to invite you to join the Mixer (Semester 2, 2016-2017). Mixer (Semester 2, 2016-2017) is a free buffet-like lunch which allows[…]