Local Opportunities Careers and Placement, CEDARS http://www.hku.hk/careers/ Joint Institution Job Information System (JIJIS) http://www.jijis.org.hk/jijis/ Government Vacancies http://hkucsb.hku.hk:8080/advertsys/allvacancyE.html Recruit Online http://www.recruitonline.com/ u-career http://www.u-career.com/ Headlinesjobs.hk http://www.headlinejobs.hk/ job8.net http://aus.job8.net/Person/index.cfm Mainland Opportunities 中华英才网 http://www.chinahr.com/index.htm 人才招聘-前程无忧 http://www.51job.com/ 智联招聘网 http://www.zhaopin.com/ 528招聘网[…]
Category: Career
2012 Employment Survey Results
Basic Salary of HKUCS Graduates Statistical data of remuneration received by our 2012 graduates: Employment Sector Commerce and Industry continued to be the largest employment sector in which our Computer Science graduates were employed. SOURCE[…]