最近更新於 Last update: 2012-07-06[Fri] 19:00
日期及時間: | 二零一二年 七月七日(星期六)十時三十分至十二時三十分 |
Date: | 2012-07-07[Sat] 10:30 to 12:30 |
地點: | 香港大學 黃麗松講堂 (校園指南) |
Venue: | Rayson Huang Theatre, The University of Hong Kong (Campus navigator) |
程序表 Rundown | |
09:55 |
登記 Registration |
10:30 |
頒獎典禮開始 Opening Introduction |
嘉賓致辭:香港大學工程學院院長 田之楠教授 Speech by guest of honour: Prof. Norman C. Tien, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong |
嘉賓致辭:香港天文台署理助理台長 黎守德先生 Speech by guest of honour: Mr. Edwin Lai Sau Tak, Acting Assistant Director, Hong Kong Observatory |
10:45 |
頒發證書儀式 Presentation of Participation Certificates 初級組 Junior (頒獎嘉賓: 社區天氣資訊網絡 羅倬維先生 Presenter: Mr. C. W. Lo, Community Weather Information Network) 聖瑪加利男女英文中小學 St. Margaret's Co-Educational English Secondary and Primary School (Visible team) 拔萃男書院附屬小學 Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division (懸浮粒子) 天主教佑華小學 Our Lady of China Catholic Primary School (佑華A隊) 天主教佑華小學 Our Lady of China Catholic Primary School (佑華B隊) 宣道會鄭榮之中學 Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College (Visor) 宣道會鄭榮之中學 Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College (CWGC Team A) 保良局陸慶濤小學 PLK Luk Hing Too Primary School (LHT1) 保良局陸慶濤小學 PLK Luk Hing Too Primary School (LHT2) 保良局陸慶濤小學 PLK Luk Hing Too Primary School (LHT3) 保良局胡忠中學 Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College (胡忠第一組) 林大輝中學 Lam Tai Fai College (LTFC) 何明華會督銀禧中學 Bishop Hall Jubilee School (銀禧) 恩平工商會李琳明中學 YPICA Lee Lim Ming College (SUBG) 高級組 Senior (頒獎嘉賓: 香港氣象學會 譚志勇博士 Presenter: Dr. Francis C. Y. Tam, Hong Kong Meteorological Society) 何明華會督銀禧中學 Bishop Hall Jubilee School (朝頭組) 恩平工商會李琳明中學 YPICA Lee Lim Ming College (LLMC) 風采中學 (教育評議會主辦)Elegantia College (Sponsored by Education Convergence) (風采一隊) 風采中學 (教育評議會主辦)Elegantia College (Sponsored by Education Convergence) (風采二隊) 風采中學 (教育評議會主辦)Elegantia College (Sponsored by Education Convergence) (風采三隊) 香港仔工業學校 Aberdeen Technical School (MISSION INVISIBLE) 慕光英文書院 Mu Kuang English School (mukuang) 迦密主恩中學 Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School (霧中尋主恩) 香港道教聯合會鄧顯紀念中學 HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School (Team A) 香港道教聯合會鄧顯紀念中學 HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School (Team B) 香港道教聯合會鄧顯紀念中學 HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School (Team C) 保良局羅氏基金中學 Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College (PLKLFC Team 1) 中華基金中學 The Chinese Foundation Secondary School (JJMET) |
11:20 |
評判意見簡報 (評判代表:香港天文台 譚廣雄先生) Comments from the judges (Representative of Judges: Mr. Tam Kwong Hung, Hong Kong Observatory) |
頒發奬項 Presentation of awards 初級組 Junior (頒獎嘉賓:香港天文台署理助理台長 黎守德先生 Presenter: Mr. Edwin Lai Sau Tak, Acting Assistant Director, Hong Kong Observatory) 優異獎 Merit 最佳創意獎 The Most Creative Award 最佳演繹獎 The Best Presentation Award 季軍 Second Runner-Up 亞軍 First Runner-Up 冠軍 Champion 高級組 Senior (頒獎嘉賓:香港大學工程學院院長 田之楠教授 Presenter: Prof. Norman C. Tien, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong) 優異獎 Merit 最佳創意獎 The Most Creative Award 最佳演繹獎 The Best Presentation Award 季軍 Second Runner-Up 亞軍 First Runner-Up 冠軍 Champion |
11:40 |
冠軍隊伍簡報 Champion team presentations 初級組 Junior 高級組 Senior |
12:10 |
閉幕致辭: 香港大學 計算機科學系 劉智滿教授 Closing Speech by Project Co-ordinator: Prof. Francis C. M. Lau, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong 致送紀念品 Souvenirs Presentation 香港天文台 Hong Kong Observatory 香港氣象學會 Hong Kong Meteorological Society 社區天氣資訊網絡 Community Weather Information Network |
12:20 |
頒獎典禮結束 End of Ceremony 拍照留念 Group Photo session 主辦單位 Organizers 初級組得獎者及主辦單位 Junior Winners and Organizers 高級組得獎者及主辦單位 Senior Winners and Organizers 自由拍照 Free Shots |
注意事項 Points to note: | |
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All participating teams are invited to the award presentation ceremony. Each team should have at least one representative to attend the ceremony. Since all participants will receive participation certificates, it is suggested that the team and their teacher attend the ceremony. |
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Participating members of teams (students and teachers) will be given certificates. The order on stage will be same as the order of presentation on the presentation day. All members of the team shall queue up on the left hand side of the theatre before being on stage. The certificates will be presented to a representative of the team, after which photos of the team will be taken. The team shall then leave the stage on the other side. Our Master of the Ceremony and helpers will guide you with the procedure. Teams are suggested to designate a representative beforehand to take the certificates for smooth running of the procedure. |
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比賽結果將於頒獎典禮上公布。冠軍隊伍將需要介紹其參賽作品。兩組冠軍隊伍將各有十五分鐘再作簡報。大會將提供隊伍於簡報時提交的檔案作簡報之用。 The winners will be announced in the ceremony. The Champion teams are required to present their work. 15 minutes will be allocated for champions of the two categories to give presentations of their work. The organizer will provide the submitted files for presentation. |
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登記於九時五十五分開始。請隊伍於典禮前最少二十分鐘到達講堂。 Registration will be started at 09:55. Teams are suggested to arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of the ceremony. |
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主辦單位將邀請傳媒出席頒獎典禮。傳媒或會在頒獎典禮後訪問各得獎隊伍。 Media are invited to the ceremony. Winning teams may be interviewed after the ceremony. |
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場地於頒獎典禮後會繼續開放給同學們拍照及傳媒採訪。老師如要安排校車接送同學,請預留時間作出適當安排。 The presentation venue will continue to be opened for photo taking and media interview after the ceremony. For teachers who require to arrange school bus, please take note and make appropriate arrangement. |
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Since we are issuing many certificates on the award presentation day, in case a mistake is found, participants are requested to take note of it and report only after the ceremony. |
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各隊可在頒獎典禮後領回其能見度儀 (如適用)。
If your team has submitted a model, you can take back the model after the Award Presentation Ceremony. |
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