Dates of activities

The schedule of activities here is subject to change. Prior registration of the activities is required. Details of registration will be communicated to registered participants through email. Attendance certificates will be issued to registered team members and teacher advisors participating in talks and workshops.

Date and time Event Organizer/Speaker Location
2012-01-02[Mon] or earlier Launch of online forum
HKU Department of Computer Science facebook Group
facebook Page
Please sign up and join the group!
2012-01-18[Wed] 16:00-18:00 Talk:
  • Briefing of the competition
  • Talk on "Visibility and its measurements"
Notes, Photos
HKO officers and event organizers Conference Hall, Centenary Building, Hong Kong Observatory 134A Nathan Road (Map)
2012-02-10[Fri] Deadline for team registration
2012-02-11[Sat] Session 1: 10:00-12:00
2012-02-11[Sat] Session 2: 12:30-14:30
Talk and Visit:
  • Briefing of the competition 
  • Talk on "Visibility and its measurements" 
  • Introduction to Co-WIN CWOS platform
  • Visit to the Hong Kong Observatory
Notes, Photos
HKO officers and event organizers Conference Hall, Centenary Building, Hong Kong Observatory 134A Nathan Road (Map)
2012-02-25[Sat] Session 1: 09:30-12:00
2012-02-25[Sat] Session 2: 14:00-16:30
Workshop on "Computer-aided visibility measurement using digital cameras"

Notes, Photos
Lecturers from HKU Department of Computer Science Room 312, Haking Wong Building, HKU
(Campus navigator)
2012-05-31[Thu] 1700 Deadline for submission of deliverables
Please refer to the Competition page for submission method
2012-06-30[Sat] 0830–1830 Presentation sessions
Presentation Schedule
Photos (New!)
Participants T1, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
(Campus navigator)
2012-07-07[Sat] 1030–1230 Award Presentation Ceremony
Award Winner List (New!)
Photos (New!)
Organizing committee Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
Campus navigator

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