Copyright 2010-2014, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong. & Mr. WANG YI
MetaAnnotator 1.4.4beta version Release Package (download the file)

MetaAnnotator 1.4.4beta version (updated on April 29, 2014)
MetaAnnotator is a novel tool for annotating short paired-end reads. Usage information can be found in README file in the package.

Testing Data List(download the list)

MetaCluster-TA 1.2.1 version Release Package (download the file)

MetaCluste-TA 1.2.1 version (released on Oct 15, 2013)
MetaCluster-TA is a new software for binning and annotating short paired-end reads. Usage information can be found in README file in the package.

Testing Data List(download the list)
Sample input file decribing reference(download the list)

MetaCluster 5.0 Release Package (download the file)

MetaCluster 5.0.1 (released on Jun. 15, 2014)
MetaCluster5.0 is a new software for binning short pair-end reads. The input file should be in fasta format. Every odd-number read and its next read are supposed to be pair-end reads.

Testing Data List(download the list)
Supplementary Material (download the file)
Other unsupervised Binning tools:

MetaCluster 4 fast version Release Package. (download the file)

MetaCluster 4 latest version is in MetaCluster 5.0 package. After compiling, it's at /bin/MetaCluster4Fast.
MetaCluster4.0 is a new software for binning short pair-end reads. The input file should be in fasta format. Every odd-number read and its next read are supposed to be pair-end reads.

MetaCluster 3.0 PDF format paper. (download the PDF file)

MetaCluster 3.0 Release Package (download the file)

MetaCluster 3.0 (released on Jan 14, 2011)

MetaCluster-3.0 Sample Datasets:

Dataset 1 (download the .rar package)

This dataset contains 4000 DNA fragments from two microorganisms which are belong to the same order but different families. The first 2000 DNA fragments of this dataset are from "Acinetobacter_baumannii_SDF" and the last 2000 DNA fragments are from "Pseudomonas_entomophila_L48". The length of each DNA fragment is 1000bp.

Dataset 2 (download the .rar package)

This dataset contains 6000 DNA fragments from three microorganisms which are belong to the same family but different genus. The first 2000 DNA fragments of this dataset are from "Ehrlichia_ruminantium_Gardel", the middle 2000 DNA fragments are from "Anaplasma_centrale_Israel" and the last 2000 DNA fragments are from "Neorickettsia_sennetsu_Miyayama". The length of each DNA fragment is 1000bp.

If you have any questions, please contact
MetaAnnotator beta version is released!