To achieve the first milestone, we shall implement the camera calibration and feature
correspondence module based on our previous researches on calibration and corner
detection proposed in [18, 19, 21]]. Lane markings will be automatically detected as
calibration pattern, and then extrinsic parameters of camera will be estimated. On the other
hand, feature points which are robust for tracking will be extracted by improved corner
detection algorithm.
With estimated camera parameter, we can calculate the image coordinates offset of any
feature point with forward motion and/or rotating motion. As its inverse process, with
sufficient tracked feature points and the assumption that the target object is rigid, we can fit
the proposed multiple motion model onto each detected object based on iterative
optimization or any error minimization approach, so that the rotating motion and forward
motion can be accurately estimated to achieve our second milestone.
The key to the success of motion deblurring technology is to predict accurately the motion
of objects. With correctly estimated motion, we can then realize deblurring based on
Wiener Deconvolution. Estimating motion and deblurring of objects on a per-object basis in
a scene can provide more accurate result than those obtained by processing the entire
scene as a single object. On the other hand, the feature correspondence module also
eases the task of image registration, which can be utilized to get super-resolution images
based on the knowledge in our previous ITF project (ITS/174/08).
Upon the completion of the above three milestone, we will then implement a prototype
forensic video enhancement application to demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness
of the technologies developed in this project.