The 18th Inauguration Ceremony of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU

inaug poster

inaug poster

Dear privileged members,

On behalf of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, we are delighted to inform you that the Executive Committee of Session 2013 – 2014 has been successfully elected. An Inauguration Ceremony will be held to mark our commencement.

We sincerely invite you to be our honorable guest at the Inauguration Ceremony of Computer Science Association, Engineering Society, HKUSU, Session 2013 – 2014.

The details of the ceremony are as follows:

Date :                     27th March, 2013 (Wednesday)
Time :                    19:30 – 21:30 (Cocktail : 19:00 – 19:30)
Venue :                T4, Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong
Dress code :       Formal

We would very much like to have your presence.  If you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact Mr. Ng Tsz Ho, Tim at 97084242 or Mr. Lee Jin Man, Jonathan at 61083070.

Your presence will be our great pleasure.