Final Report

In this paper, we will describe the design of AlphaGo and how our program adopted various strategies of it. We will also discuss the adaptations made to fit another game and different challenges faced and overcome throughout the project. Lastly, we will showcase the experiments done and how the data collected can expedite the development in future works.

Intermediate Report

This intermediate report will describe the design and implementation of our program. It will then explain the main algorithms and justify the choices used in the design. Finally, it will showcase our progress of the project, which is the Graphical User Interface, game rule implementation, data collection and value network.This intermediate report serves the purpose of reporting the progress of our project thus far. As of now, simple neural network and skeleton of our program has been developed.

Playing Othello by Deep Learing Neural Network

AlphaGo has been a success in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and a huge news worldwide. My project aims at replicating this in the field of Computer Othello using similar techniques, such as Monte-Carlo Tree Search, value evaluation neural network and rollout policy. Ulitmately, the goal of this project is to create a program that can play Othello at superhuman level using less resources than current models.