Thanks GroupSense for funding this award!
The following two papers received the Best Paper Awards:
(1) "Debugging OpenStack Problems using a State Graph Approach" by
Yong Xiang, Hu Li, Sen Wang, Charley Peter Chen, and Wei Xu; and (2)
"Time Capsule: Tracing Packet Latency across
Different Layers in Virtualized Systems" by
Kun Suo, Jia Rao, Luwei Cheng, and Francis C.M. Lau. Congratulations!
The registration desk will open at 8 AM on
August 4 & 5.
Call this HOTLINE if you need any help during the 2-day workshop: 5626 4411 (voice only).
The Venue page has been updated.
A typhoon (Nida) is approaching Hong Kong, but according to official reports, it should be completely clear of the way by Wednesday and things will be back to normal then. So please stay assured that APSys 2016 will be held as scheduled. Expect a bit or rain though during the two days of our workshop.
The Accommodation page is updated. Please book your hotel ASAP!
Call for Papers
APSys is a vibrant forum for systems researchers and practitioners across the world to meet, interact, and collaborate with their peers from the Asia/Pacific region. APSys 2016 hopes to build upon the success of previous APSys conferences, and put together a set of quality papers in computer systems. We solicit papers in the broad areas of computer systems, including (but not limited to) the following topics:
- Operating systems, their interaction with hardware architecture and programming languages, and vice versa
- Virtualization, including its novel applications
- File and storage systems
- Network systems including both wired and wireless networks
- Mobile, embedded and pervasive systems
- Cloud computing and data center management
- Systems for Big Data Analytics
- Distributed systems
- Internet of Things
- System energy characterization and optimization
- Testing and verification of computer systems
- Measurement, monitoring, and modeling
- Reliability, scalability, and fault tolerance
- Security and privacy
- Experience with deployed systems
- Application of interesting research ideas to computer systems, such as machine learning, stochastic modeling, new algorithms.
The workshop favors works with an experimental flavor such as measurement and prototyping.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be six or fewer pages in length excluding references, formatted in standard ACM two-column conference style with 10-pt font size. Reviewing will be double-blind : no author or affiliation information should appear in the submission. The authors should additionally follow the best practice in order not to disclose their identities implicitly. A submission may present preliminary results, propose a new research direction, provide insightful retrospective, or offer a provocative viewpoint on an important systems topic. Papers will be selected based on their likelihood of generating insightful technical discussions at the workshop and influencing future systems research. Relevant attributes include originality, technical merit, clarity, and technical relevance. Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of the workshop, which will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Consistent with standard scholarly practice, the authors should not have substantially similar work in review anywhere else.
Submissions can be made online at
Camera-ready Instructions
Camera-ready papers are due July 14, 2016 (23:59 GMT). The ACM copyright form must also be filled by this deadline. If you miss the deadline, the papers will not appear in the ACM digital library before the workshop starts. They must be no longer than seven (7) 8.5” x 11” two column papers (excluding references) using a 10 point font.
Authors need to include the rights management and bibstrip text blocks, including DOI, at the left bottom of the first page. Note that the copyright text may differ depending on the copyright transfer agreement with ACM. Please submit the copyright form first.
We recommend to use the latex template at the sigplanconf.cls with the 10pt option. ACM classification sections are not required. You can use the following information.
\conferenceinfo{APSys 2016,} {August 4–5, 2016, Hong Kong, China.}
\copyrightdata{* from the copyright confirmation email *}
\doi{* your assigned DOI *}
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)
Important Dates
- Abstract due: May 13, 2016 (23:59 GMT)
- Submission due: May 20. 2016 (23.59 GMT)
- Notification to authors: June 23, 2016
- Shepherd deadline: July 12, 2016
- Camera-ready due: July 14, 2016
- Workshop: August 4-5, 2016