Thanks GroupSense for funding this award!
The following two papers received the Best Paper Awards:
(1) "Debugging OpenStack Problems using a State Graph Approach" by
Yong Xiang, Hu Li, Sen Wang, Charley Peter Chen, and Wei Xu; and (2)
"Time Capsule: Tracing Packet Latency across
Different Layers in Virtualized Systems" by
Kun Suo, Jia Rao, Luwei Cheng, and Francis C.M. Lau. Congratulations!
The registration desk will open at 8 AM on
August 4 & 5.
Call this HOTLINE if you need any help during the 2-day workshop: 5626 4411 (voice only).
The Venue page has been updated.
A typhoon (Nida) is approaching Hong Kong, but according to official reports, it should be completely clear of the way by Wednesday and things will be back to normal then. So please stay assured that APSys 2016 will be held as scheduled. Expect a bit or rain though during the two days of our workshop.
The Accommodation page is updated. Please book your hotel ASAP!
Thursday (August 4th)
8:45 - 9:00: Opening remarks by Chairs
9:00 - 10:00: Keynote I
Parallel Programming Needs Data-centric Foundations
Speaker: Keshav Pingali (Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin)
10:00 - 10:15: Break
10:15 - 11:55: Session 1: Virtualization (Chair: Yunxin Liu)
gHA: An Efficient and Iterative Checkpointing Mechanism for Virtualized GPUs [pdf]
ZiZhuo Zhang, Xinhao Xu, Mochi Xue, Jiajun Wang, Zhengwei Qi, and Yaozu Dong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
U-HAUL: Efficient State Migration in NFV [pdf]
Libin Liu, Hong Xu, Zhixiong Niu, Peng Wang (City University of Hong Kong), and Dongsu Han (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Time Capsule: Tracing Packet Latency across Different Layers in Virtualized Systems [pdf] (awarded best paper)
Kun Suo, Jia Rao (University of Colorado), Luwei Cheng (Facebook), and Francis C. M. Lau (The University of Hong Kong)
Split Migration of Large Memory Virtual Machines [pdf]
Masato Suetake, Hazuki Kizu, and Kenichi Kourai (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
11:55 - 13:25: Lunch
13:25 - 14:35: Invited Talks from Industry I
Converging Approaches in Software Switches
Speaker: Ben Pfaff (Lead Developer of the Open vSwitch Project, VMware)
Mission of Power Management Not Accomplished at All
Speaker: Yuyang Du (Senior Software Developer, Intel)
14:35 - 14:50: Break
14:50 - 16:05: Session 2: Mobile & Embedded Systems (Chair: Dongsu Han)
Quantifying the Impact of Edge Computing on Mobile Applications [pdf]
Wenlu Hu (Carnegie Mellon University), Ying Gao (Pure Storage), Kiryong Ha, Junjue Wang, Brandon Amos (Carnegie Mellon University), Padmanabhan Pillai (Intel), and Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Carnegie Mellon University)
Improving Cloud Storage Usage Experience for Mobile Applications [pdf]
Yongshu Bai, Xin Zhang, and Yifan Zhang (Binghamton University)
Don’t Forget Your Electricity Bills! An Empirical Study of Characterizing Energy Consumption of 3D Printers [pdf]
Jerry Ajay, Aditya Singh Rathore, Chen Song, Chi Zhou, and Wenyao Xu (University of Buffalo)
16:05 - 16:20: Break
16:20 - 17:35: Session 3: Distributed Systems (Chair: Florin Dinu)
Protocol-Independent FIB Architecture for Network Overlays [pdf]
Ryo Nakamura (University of Tokyo), Yohei Kuga (Keio University), Yuji Sekiya, and Hiroshi Esaki (University of Tokyo)
TRIPOD: An Efficient, Highly-available Cluster Management System [pdf]
Cheng Wang, Jingyu Yang, Ning Yi, and Heming Cui (University of Hong Kong)
Optimizing Hash-based Distributed Storage Using Client Choices [pdf]
Peilun Li, and Wei Xu (Tsinghua University)
17:35 - 18:45: Posters
Location: outside lobby of the venue. A list of accepted posters is here.
18:45 - 21:00: Banquet (Jumbo Kingdom)
Follow the workshop helpers to get on a bus and go to the banquet place.
Friday (August 5th)
9:00 - 10:00: Keynote II
Using Data Science to Scale and Personalize Services
Speaker: Manish Gupta (VP and Director, Xerox Research Center India)
10:00- 10:15: Break
10:15 - 11:30: Session 4: Security, Privacy & Bugs (Chair: Lin Zhong)
Smart and Secure: Preserving Privacy in Untrusted Home Routers [pdf]
Seung-seob Lee (Yonsei University), Hang Shi (Tsinghua University), Kun Tan, Yunxin Liu (Microsoft), SuKyoung Lee (Yonsei University), and Yong Cui (Tsinghua University)
Learning from Big Malwares [pdf]
Linhai Song (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Heqing Huang (IBM), Wu Zhou (North Carolina State University), Wenfei Wu (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Yiying Zhang (Purdue University)
Debugging OpenStack Problems using a State Graph Approach [pdf] (awarded best paper)
Yong Xiang, Hu Li, Sen Wang, Charley Peter Chen, and Wei Xu (Tsinghua University)
11:30 - 13:00 : Lunch Break
13:00 - 14:00: Invited Talks from Industry II
Challenges in Application Programming for Enterprises to migrate from Traditional Platform to Cloud
Speaker: Mr. Frankie Ng (Solution Architect for Cloud Computing, Red Hat Inc)
Enablling Personalized Corporate Wellness Programs with IoT
Speaker: Dr. Mian Dong (COO at MobiSport)
14:00 - 14:20: Break
14:20 - 15:35: Session 5: Operating Systems (Chair: Haibo Chen)
So many performance events, so little time [pdf]
Gerd Zellweger, Denny Lin, and Timothy Roscoe (ETH Zurich)
A Case for Protecting Huge Pages from Kernel [pdf]
Ashish Panwar (Intel), Naman Patel, and K. Gopinath (Indian Institute of Science)
StepAhead: Rethinking Filesystem Namespace Translations [pdf]
Debadatta Mishra, Purushottam Kulkarni (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), and Raju Rangaswami (Florida International University)
15:35 - 15:50: Break
15:50 - 17:30: Session 6: Storage, Filesystems, and Databases (Chair: Ashvin Goel)
Analyzing The Tradeoff Between Throughput and Latency in Multicore Scalable In-Memory Database Systems [pdf]
Hitoshi Mitake (Waseda University), Hiroshi Yamada (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), and Tatsuo Nakajima (Waseda University)
NVMcached: An NVM-based Key-Value Cache [pdf]
Xingbo Wu, Fan Ni (Wayne State University), Li Zhang, Yandong Wang, Yufei Ren, Michel Hack (IBM), Zili Shao (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), and Song Jiang(Wayne State University)
File Defragmentation Scheme for a Log-Structured File System [pdf]
Jonggyu Park, Dong Hyun Kang, and Young Ik Eom (Sungkyunkwan University)
Rethinking Benchmarking for NVM-based File Systems [pdf]
Mingkai Dong, Qianqian Yu, Xiaozhou Zhou, Yang Hong, Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), and Binyu Zang (Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems)