
Thanks GroupSense for funding this award!

The following two papers received the Best Paper Awards: (1) "Debugging OpenStack Problems using a State Graph Approach" by Yong Xiang, Hu Li, Sen Wang, Charley Peter Chen, and Wei Xu; and (2) "Time Capsule: Tracing Packet Latency across Different Layers in Virtualized Systems" by Kun Suo, Jia Rao, Luwei Cheng, and Francis C.M. Lau. Congratulations!

The registration desk will open at 8 AM on August 4 & 5.

Call this HOTLINE if you need any help during the 2-day workshop: 5626 4411 (voice only).

The Venue page has been updated.

A typhoon (Nida) is approaching Hong Kong, but according to official reports, it should be completely clear of the way by Wednesday and things will be back to normal then. So please stay assured that APSys 2016 will be held as scheduled. Expect a bit or rain though during the two days of our workshop.

The Accommodation page is updated. Please book your hotel ASAP!

Speech: Challenges in Application Programming for Enterprises to migrate from Traditional Platform to Cloud

Mr. Frankie Ng

Senior Solution Architect, Red Hat Inc


Challenges in Application Programming for Enterprises to migrate from Traditional Platform to Cloud



The Digital Transformation Challenge is set to challenge, disrupt and divide companies into the digital thrivers and the digital survivors. According to IDC, two thirds of the Global 200 Enterprises will see their CEOs put Digital Transformation at the centre of the company’s corporate strategy. One of the key transformations is Container technology. Like virtualization changed the way infrastructure operated, containerization is the changing the way enterprises deploy applications. This talk will present the challenges for Enterprises to adopt new cloud technologies and share real-world business use cases.


Mr. Frankie Ng is a Senior Solution Architect in Red Hat. He was focusing on OpenStack and SDN technologies. Previously, Frankie served as a cloud engineer in PCCW Global and led the development in IaaS platform. Frankie received his MSc in Information Engineering from Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010.